Thermal comfort
Features/Comfort/Feature 76
- 72 Accessible design
- 73 Ergonomics: visual and physical
- 74 Exterior noise intrusion
- 75 Internally generated noise
- 76 Thermal comfort
- 77 Olfactory comfort
- 78 Reverberation time
- 79 Sound masking
- 80 Sound reducing surfaces
- 81 Sound barriers
- 82 Individual thermal control
- 83 Radiant thermal comfort
- P4 Impact reducing flooring

Thermal comfort
To promote occupant productivity and ensure a sufficient level of thermal comfort.
While ASHRAE 55 is primarily intended to apply to spaces used for sedentary or near-sedentary physical activity levels typical of office work, transient spaces like a lobby or stairwell will need to comply in most cases. However, if conditioning these transient spaces places is infeasible, projects are welcome to submit an AAP demonstrating how they are ensuring that transient spaces are maintained at a reasonable temperature.
No, if Feature 64 is not applicable for a project, then Feature 76 does not need to be met in the stairwells.