Posted on: 07 Jun, 2018
Amendment: For Part 4b, remove: "elementary and up to 360 mL [12 oz] portions for middle school students". Add: "early education and up to 360 mL [12 oz] portions for primary school students"
Posted on: 05 Feb, 2018
Amendment: In part title, remove: "Elementary and Middle School". Add: "Early Education and Primary School"
Posted on: 05 Feb, 2018
Amendment: In part description, remove: "elementary and middle school students". Add: "early education and primary school students"
Posted on: 05 Feb, 2018
Amendment: In part title, remove: "High School". Add: "Secondary School"
Posted on: 05 Feb, 2018
Amendment: In part description, remove: "high school students". Add: "secondary school students"
Posted on: 27 Apr, 2017
Amendment: Remove: "All foods, beverages, snacks and meals sold or distributed on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner meet the following conditions". Add: "All foods, beverages, snacks and meals sold or provided on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner, including in vending machines, meet the following conditions"
Posted on: 27 Apr, 2017
Amendment: Remove: "No beverage with more than 30 grams of sugar per container is sold or distributed through catering services, vending machines, or pantries. Bulk containers of 1.9 L (2 quart) or larger are exempt from this requirement". Add: "Beverages do not contain more than 30 g of sugar per container. Bulk containers of 1.9 L (2 quart) or larger are exempt from this requirement"
Posted on: 27 Apr, 2017
Amendment: Remove: "In beverage vending machines and on food service menus, at least 50% of slots or listings are products that have 15 g of sugar or less per 240 mL [8 oz] serving". Add: "At least 50% of beverages have 1 g of sugar or less per 16 mL [1.87 g of sugar or less per 1 oz]"
Posted on: 27 Apr, 2017
Amendment: Remove: "No individually sold, single-serving, non-beverage food item contains more than 30 g of sugar". Add: "No non-beverage food item contains more than 30 g of sugar per serving"
Posted on: 27 Apr, 2017
Amendment: Remove: "In any foods" before "where a grain flour". Add: "In 50% of food offerings"