Posted on: 01 May, 2019
Amendment: If average ambient light is below 300 lux [28 fc] and meets Part 1a, task lights providing 300 to 500 lux [28 to 46 fc] at the work surface are available upon request.
Posted on: 15 Aug, 2018
Amendment: In 17 Jan, 2017 EP, remove: "Note that this...China GB50034-2013 to ensure compliance."
Posted on: 07 Jun, 2018
Amendment: For Part 5a, remove: "elementary, middle and high schools". Add: "primary and secondary schools"
Posted on: 07 Jun, 2018
Amendment: For Part 1c, add "average" before "ambient light"
Posted on: 07 Jun, 2018
Amendment: For Part 1a, remove: "plane, 0.76 m [30 inches] above finished floor". Add: "work plane"
Posted on: 27 Apr, 2017
Amendment: Remove: "Brightness contract between main rooms and ancillary spaces, such as corridors and stairwells, if present". Add: "Maximum brightness contrasts between main rooms and ancillary spaces, such as corridors and stairwells, if present. For example, projects may establish that, while still maintaining lighting variety, a main room cannot exhibit 10 times greater or lesser luminance than an ancillary space"
Posted on: 27 Apr, 2017
Amendment: Remove: "Brightness contrasts between task surfaces and immediately adjacent surfaces, including adjacent visual display terminal screens". Add: "Maximum brightness contrasts between task surfaces and immediately adjacent surfaces, including adjacent visual display terminal screens. For example, projects may establish that, while still maintaining lighting variety, a surface cannot exhibit 3 times greater or lesser luminance than an adjacent surface"
Posted on: 27 Apr, 2017
Amendment: Remove: "Brightness contrasts between task surfaces and remote, non-adjacent surfaces in the same room". Add: "Brightness contrasts between task surfaces and remote, non-adjacent surfaces in the same room. For example, projects may establish that, while still maintaining lighting variety, a surface cannot exhibit 10 times greater or lesser luminance than another remote surface in the same room"
Posted on: 27 Apr, 2017
Amendment: Remove: "The way brightness is distributed across ceilings in a given room". Add: "The way brightness is distributed across ceilings in a given room that maintains lighting variety but avoids both dark spots, or excessively bright, potentially glaring spots. For example, projects may establish that, while still maintaining lighting variety, one part of the ceiling cannot be 10 times greater or lesser luminance than another part of the ceiling in the same room"