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Alternative Adherence Paths

The International WELL Building Institute™ welcomes projects to meet feature requirements through innovative, alternate strategies, which can be proposed through an alternative adherence path (AAP) submission. An AAP is a formal request for approval and technical guidance to use an alternative strategy to comply with a specific feature.

Submitting an Alternative Adherence Path

An AAP is appropriate for projects with a unique, nuanced or complex element that restricts their ability to comply with existing feature requirements. The proposal should include clear, substantiated evidence of how the proposed strategy meets the intent of the feature, including any relevant background information or supporting documentation.

To determine whether submission of an AAP is recommended, a project may inquire with the project's WELL Assessor or with if the project is not registered. Project teams may submit an alternative adherence path proposal for pre-approval before or after registration. Each project is eligible to receive three AAPs at no additional cost. There is no limit on the number of AAP’s that can be submitted per project, but subsequent AAPs are subject to a fee.

Submit an Alternative Adherence Path

Published Alternative Adherence Path

When it is determined that an AAP has a broader application across multiple projects, the AAP rulings may be made public so that other projects may pursue and apply them. If a project would like to pursue a published AAP, the project team should reach out directly to the project’s WELL Assessor.

Review Published Alternative Adherence Paths