Posted on: 05 Feb, 2018
Amendment: In 17 Jan, 2017 AAP, remove: "task". Add: "task or other supplemental lighting"
Posted on: 05 Feb, 2018
Amendment: For Part 1b, remove: "(which may include task lighting)" after "electric lights"
Posted on: 20 Oct, 2017
Amendment: For Part 1b, remove: "Vertical (Ev) Targets for the 25-65 category in Table B1 of IES-ANSI RP-1-12". Add: "required amount"
Posted on: 26 Jul, 2017
Amendment: For Part 1b, add: "facing forward (to simulate the view of the occupant)" after "vertical plane"
Posted on: 26 Jul, 2017
Amendment: Add: "During Performance Verification, EML is measured on the vertical plane at eye level of the occupant." after "The biological effects of light on humans can be measured in Equivalent Melanopic Lux (EML), a proposed alternate metric that is weighted to the ipRGCs instead of to the cones, which is the case with traditional lux."
Posted on: 27 Apr, 2017
Amendment: Remove: "At least one of the following requirements is met". Add: " Light models or light calculations demonstrate that at least one of the following requirements is met"
Posted on: 27 Apr, 2017
Amendment: Remove: "Light models or light calculations (which may incorporate daylight) show that at least 250 equivalent melanopic lux is present at 75% or more of workstations, measured on the vertical plane facing forward, 1.2 m [4 ft] above finished floor (to stimulate the view of the occupant). This light level is present for at least 4 hours per day for every day of the year". Add: "At 75% or more of workstations, at least 200 equivalent melanopic lux is present, measured on the vertical plane facing forward, 1.2 m [4 ft] above finished floor (to simulate the view of the occupant). This light level may incorporate daylight, and is present for at least the hours between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM for every day of the year"
Posted on: 27 Apr, 2017
Amendment: Remove: " For all workstations, electric lights (which may include task lighting) provide maintained illuminance on the vertical plane of equivalent melanopic lux, greater than or equal to the lux recommendations in the Vertical (Ev) Targets for the 25-65 category in Table B1 of IES-ANSI RP-1-12. For example, Reception Desks are provided with 150 equivalent melanopic lux from the electric lights". Add: "For all workstations, electric lights (which may include task lighting) provide maintained illuminance on the vertical plane of 150 equivalent melanopic lux or greater. Projects may use the lux recommendations in the Vertical (Ev) Targets for the 25-65 category in Table B1 of IES-ANSI RP-1-12 in place of 150"
Posted on: 06 May, 2016
Amendment: In Part 1b, change “For all workstations, electric lights provide…” to “For all workstations, electric lights (which may include task lighting) provide…”
Posted on: 10 Feb, 2016
Amendment: In Part 1b, Change first part of first sentence from “Electric lights provide” to "For all workstations, electric lights provide"