Individual thermal control
- 72 ADA accessible design standards
- 73 Ergonomics: visual and physical
- 74 Exterior noise intrusion
- 75 Internally generated noise
- 76 Thermal comfort
- 77 Olfactory comfort
- 78 Reverberation time
- 79 Sound masking
- 80 Sound reducing surfaces
- 81 Sound barriers
- 82 Individual thermal control
- 83 Radiant thermal comfort
- P4 Impact reducing flooring
82. Individual thermal control
Thermal comfort preferences are highly individual, and can be affected by metabolism, body type and clothing. These factors make it nearly impossible to find a temperature that will satisfy all occupants in the same space at the same time. Providing areas with different thermal gradients, as well as individual thermal comfort devices can ensure that building occupants can choose areas with temperatures that best fit their thermal preferences (termed “free address”).
This feature requires spaces to vary in temperature and gives occupants the flexibility to select a work area where they are most comfortable (termed “free address”). The feature also provides personalized thermal comfort devices allowing occupants to adjust the temperature in their immediate surroundings in order to achieve better thermal comfort.
Projects over 200 m² [2,150 ft²] meet the following free address requirement:
The following condition is met in spaces with 10 or more workstations in the same heating or cooling zone:

Applicability Matrix
Core & Shell | New & Existing Buildings | New & Existing Interiors | |
Part 1: Free Address | - | O | O |
Part 2: Personal Thermal Comfort Devices | - | O | O |
Commercial Kitchen | Education | Multifamily Residential | Restaurant | Retail | |
Part 1: Free Address | - | - | - | - | - |
Part 2: Personal Thermal Comfort Devices | O | O | - | O | O |
Verification Methods Matrix
Letters of Assurance | Annotated Documents | On-Site Checks | |
Part 1: Free Address | Policy Document | ||
Part 2: Personal Thermal Comfort Devices | Owner | Visual Inspection |