Appendix B: Standard Citations
Citations are organized by the endnote number found next to each Requirement letter in the WELL Building Standard. The reference codes below the citation refer to a specific Feature number, Part number and Requirement letter.
1.1.a |
USGBC's LEED v4: Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction EQ Credit: Indoor Air Quality Assessment requires demonstration of formaldehyde levels less than 27 ppb. |
1.1.b |
USGBC's LEED v4: Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction EQ Credit: Indoor Air Quality Assessment requires demonstration of total VOC levels less than 500 μg/m³. |
2.2.a |
EQ Credit: Indoor Air Quality Assessment requires prohibition of smoking outside the building except in designated smoking areas located at least 25 feet from all entries, outdoor air intakes and operable windows. |
4.1.b |
Adherence to SCM for Architectural Coatings or SCAQMD Rule 1113 satisfies the requirements of EQ Credit: Low-Emitting Materials for VOC content for wet-applied products. |
4.1.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Low-Emitting Materials requires all paints and coatings wet-applied on site to meet the applicable VOC limits of the CDPH and the additional VOC content requirements. |
4.2.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Low-Emitting Materials requires all sealants and adhesives wet-applied on site to meet the applicable VOC limits of the CDPH and the additional VOC content requirements. |
4.2.b |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Low-Emitting Materials requires that all adhesives and sealants wet-applied on site must meet the applicable VOC limits of the SCAQMD Rule 1168. |
4.3.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Low-Emitting Materials requires flooring on site meet the applicable VOC limits of the CDPH when tested in accordance with Standard Method v1.1-2010. |
4.4.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Low-Emitting Materials requires insulation to not exceed limits set by California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.1-2010. |
4.5.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Low-Emitting Materials requires furniture and furnishings to comply with ANSI/BIFMA e3-2011 Furniture Sustainability Standard sections 7.6.1 and 7.6.2, and be tested in accordance with ANSI/BIFMA Standard Method M7.1-2011. |
5.2.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies requires ventilation systems for outdoor air with particle filters to have a MERV of 13 or higher or Class F7 or higher (CEN Standard EN 779-2002) particle air filters. |
7.1.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan requires the sealing of all ductwork, registers, diffusers, and returns when stored on site or not in service. |
7.2.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan requires the removal of all temporary filtration media and replacement with new filters before occupancy. |
7.3.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan requires protection of stored materials from moisture in dry conditions indoors, under cover, and off the ground or floor. |
7.3.b |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan requires protection of stored materials from moisture in dry conditions indoors, under cover, and off the ground or floor. |
7.3.c |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan requires wet materials to be installed and allowed to dry at minimum 24 hours prior to installation of absorptive materials. |
7.5.c |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan, Pathway Interruption requires use of dust guards and collectors on saws and other tools. |
7.5.d |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan, Housekeeping requires use of vacuum cleaners with high-efficiency particulate filters and sweeping compounds or wetting agents for dust control when sweeping. |
7.5.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan, Pathway Interruption requires sealing of doorways, windows, or tenting off areas as needed using temporary barriers, such as plastic separations. |
7.5.b |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan, Pathway Interruption requires provision of walk-off mats at entryways to reduce introduced dirt and pollutants. |
8.1.a |
USGBC's LEED v4: Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction EQ Credit: Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies requires permanent entry walk-off systems. |
8.1.b |
USGBC's LEED v4: Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction EQ Credit: Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies requires permanent entry walk-off systems. |
8.1.c |
USGBC's LEED v4: Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction EQ Credit: Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies requires permanent entry walk-off systems. |
13.1.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Indoor Air Quality Assessment requires performance of a building flush-out by supplying a total air volume of 14,000 cubic feet of outdoor air per square foot of gross floor area. |
13.1.b |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Credit: Indoor Air Quality Assessment requires that the space may be occupied only after delivery of a minimum of 3,500 cubic feet of outdoor air per square foot of gross floor area. |
15.1.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 EQ Prerequisite: Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance requires using the minimum outdoor air intake flow for mechanical ventilation systems using the procedure from ASHRAE 62.1–2010. |
17.1.b |
USGBC's LEED v4: Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction EQ Credit: Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies requires no recirculation of air. |
18.1.b |
USGBC's LEED v4: Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction EQ Credit: Minimum Indoor Quality Performance requires carbon dioxide monitoring within each thermal zone for mechanically ventilated spaces. |
25.5.a |
USGBC's LEED MR Credit sets limits for furniture and medical furnishings including textiles, finishes and dyes, to less than 100 ppm of at least four out of five chemical groups, including urea-formaldehyde. |
25.5.b |
USGBC's LEED MR Credit sets limits for furniture and medical furnishings including textiles, finishes and dyes, to less than 100 ppm of at least four out of five chemical groups, including urea-formaldehyde. |
25.5.c |
USGBC's LEED MR Credit sets limits for furniture and medical furnishings including textiles, finishes and dyes, to less than 100 ppm of at least four out of five chemical groups, including urea-formaldehyde. |
26.1.b |
USGBC's LEED v4 MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization allows Cradle to Cradle v2 Gold or Platinum or v3 Silver, Gold or Platinum as one way to achieve Option 2. |
26.1.c |
USGBC's LEED v4 MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization allows GreenScreen v1.2 Benchmark as one way to achieve Option 2. The List Translators are equivalent to the Benchmark. |
26.1.d |
USGBC's LEED v4 MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization allows projects to combine allowed materials lists in meeting the 25% threshold. |
62.1.a |
LEED v4 Indoor Environmental Quality Credit: Daylight, Option 1 requires that at least 55% of space receives at least 300 lux of sunlight for an award of 2 points. |
62.1.b |
LEED v4 Indoor Environmental Quality Credit: Daylight, Option 1 requires that annual sunlight exposure ASE(1000,250) is achieved for no more than 10% of regularly occupied space. |
68.2.b |
The LEED v4 Sustainable Sites Credit: Joint Use of Facilities requires collaboration with school districts or other decision making bodies to provide access to gyms, fields, and swimming pools to non-school events and functions. |
85.1.a |
USGBC's LEED BD+C: Healthcare requires project teams to create a health mission statement and to address shared values, goals, and strategies. |
85.1.b |
USGBC's LEED BD+C: Healthcare requires the generation of an Owner's Project Requirements (OPR) document that outlines ways to optimize occupant health. |
85.2.c |
USGBC's LEED BD+C: New Construction requires projects to perform a number of analyses and to document how analyses informed building and site design decisions. |
97.1.c |
USGBC's LEED v4 Building Product Disclosure and Optimization Credit requires projects to have a publicly available inventory, Health Product Declaration, Cradle to Cradle Certified, or other specially approved programs. |
1.2.e |
The EPA's 2012 NAAQS for nitrogen dioxide require a nitrogen dioxide annual mean less than 53 ppb. |
1.2.a |
The EPA's 2012 NAAQS require ambient air in cities to keep 8-hr average levels of carbon monoxide below 9 ppm and 1-hr averages below 35 ppm, not to be exceeded more than once per year. |
1.2.b |
The EPA's 2012 NAAQS requre PM₂.₅ to be less than 12 μg/m³ for a primary annual mean, secondary annual mean of 15 μg/m³ and a 24-hour concentration of 35 μg/m³, averaged over three years . |
1.2.c |
The WHO's Air Quality Guidelines for Particulate Matter, Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Sulfur recommend 24-hour average PM₁₀ limits of less than 50 μg/m³. |
1.2.d |
The WHO's Air Quality Guidelines for Particulate Matter, Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Sulfur Dioxide recommend ozone limits at 100 μg/m³ 8-hour mean. |
1.3.a |
The EPA's A Citizen's Guide to Radon recommends radon levels to be less than 4 pCi/L. |
2.1.a |
The State of New York's Regulation of Smoking in Public and Work Places does not permit smoking indoors at places of employment. |
3.1.a |
ASHRAE's Standard 62.1: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality provides guidelines for ventilation rates. |
3.1.b |
ASHRAE's Standard 62.1: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality provides ventilation rates. |
3.2.a |
The IDPH's Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality recommend properly ventilated buildings should have carbon dioxide levels with a floor or building average of 800 ppm or less. |
3.2.b |
The IDPH's Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality recommend properly ventilated buildings should have carbon dioxide levels with a floor or building average of 800 ppm or less. |
16.1.a |
The EPA's A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home recommends maintaining relative humidity between 30% and 50%. |
6.1.b |
NADCA's White Paper on Ultraviolet Lighting Applications in HVAC Systems states that to avoid ozone production, use UVC lamps with a wavelength of 254 nm. |
43.1.g |
The CSPI's Chemical Cuisine reports that BHT increases the risk of various cancers in animals and has been shown to accumulate in human fat. |
43.1.b |
The CSPI's Chemical Cuisine reports evidence that most flavoring chemicals also occur in nature and are probably safe, but are used almost exclusively in junk foods. |
43.1.c |
The CSPI's Chemical Cuisine states that evidence continues to mount that artificial sweeteners negatively impact the digestive microbiome, leading to glucose intolerance and metabolic dysregulation. |
43.1.d |
The CSPI's Chemical Cuisine reports that brominated vegetable oil leaves residue in the human body, and in animal studies has been shown to cause heart lesions, changes in the liver, and impaired growth and behavioral development. |
43.1.e |
The CSPI's Chemical Cuisine reports that potassium bromate is banned in most countries, but not in the U.S., where it is frequently used in baked goods. |
43.1.f |
The CSPI's Chemical Cuisine reports that BHA is classified as "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen" by the Department of Health and Human Services. |
6.1.c |
NEMA Standards Enclosures for Electrical Equipment recommends appropriately rated enclosures be used, since ultraviolet light and moisture inside HVACs can damage ballasts. |
6.2.a |
The National Healthy Housing Standard states that building materials shall show no signs of mold. |
6.2.b |
The National Healthy Housing Standard states that building materials shall show no signs of water damage. |
19.1.a |
The International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge 3.0 Imperative 07 requires full control of windows. |
26.1.a |
The International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge 3.0 Imperatives 10 and 12 require independently verified declarations of products. |
87.1.d |
The International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge 3.0 Imperative 19 requires design features to support celebration of place. |
87.1.e |
The International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge 3.0 Imperative 19 requires design features to support meaningful integration of public art. |
87.1.a |
The International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge 3.0 Imperative 19 requires design features to support human delight. |
87.1.b |
The International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge 3.0 Imperative 19 requires design features to support celebration of culture. |
87.1.c |
The International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge 3.0 Imperative 19 requires design features to support celebration of spirit. |
88.1.a |
The International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge 3.0 Imperative 9 requires a plan that outlines the incorporation of nature through environmental elements in the project. |
88.1.b |
The International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge 3.0 Imperative 9 requires a plan that outlines the incorporation of nature through lighting elements in the project. |
88.1.c |
The International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge 3.0 Imperative 9 requires a plan that outlines the incorporation of nature through space layout in the project. |
88.2.a |
The International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge 3.0 Imperative 9 requires a plan that outlines the incorporation of nature's patterns through design of the project. |
88.3.a |
The International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge 3.0 Imperative 9 requires a plan that outlines the interaction with nature within the building. |
88.3.b |
The International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge 3.0 Imperative 9 requires a plan that outlines the interaction with nature external to the building. |
10.1.a |
The San Francisco Department of the Environment's Integrated Pest Management recommends that pesticide products be used as a last result, only after other non-chemical management options have been exhausted. |
10.1.b |
The San Francisco Department of the Environment's Integrated Pest Management Ordinance assigns hazard tiers to pesticide products from lowest to highest concern. |
23.2.a |
The EPA's Residential Air Cleaners document recommends use of UV air duct sanitizers in conjunction with filters. |
25.4.a |
The EPA's Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate and Related Compounds Action Plan outlines the risk of exposure to isocyanate-based compounds. |
25.4.b |
The EPA's Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate and Related Compounds Action Plan outlines the risk of exposure to isocyanate-based compounds. |
93.1.a |
The State of California Unemployment Insurance Code provides six weeks of wage replacement benefits to employees who take time off to care for a new child. |
69.1.b |
USGBC's LEED v4 LT Credit: Bicycle Facilities requires separate and secure bicycle storage for at least 5% of regular building occupants (minimum 4) and short-term bicycle storage for at least 2.5% of all peak visitors. |
69.2.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 LT Credit: Bicycle Facilities requires at least one on-site shower with changing facility for the first 100 regular building occupants and one additional shower for every 150 regular building occupants thereafter. |
97.1.a |
Declare provides a platform for manufacturers to communicate material product content. |
92.1.e |
National Partnership for Women and Families' Paid Sick Days: Good for Business, Good for Workers identifies that when ill employees are able to stay home, the spread of disease slows and the workplaces are both healthier and more productive. |
27.1.a |
The EPA's Antimicrobial Testing Program provides stringent efficacy standards for disinfectants. |
51.1.a |
LEED v4: Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction sets a Pilot Credit (local food production) for onsite food production, which requires the provision for onsite food production. |
51.1.b |
LEED v4: Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction sets a Pilot Credit (local food production) for onsite food production, which requires the provision of a greenhouse. |
51.2.b |
LEED v4: Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction sets a Pilot Credit (local food production) for onsite food production, which requires the provision of a watering system. |
51.2.c |
LEED v4: Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction sets a Pilot Credit (local food production) for onsite food production, which requires the provision of access to sunlight. |
51.2.d |
LEED v4: Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction sets a Pilot Credit (local food production) for onsite food production, which requires the provision of vegetable gardens and/or edible nut and fruit-bearing plants. |
51.2.a |
LEED v4: Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction sets a Pilot Credit (local food production) for onsite food production, which requires the provision for onsite food production. |
29.1.a |
OSHA/NIOSH's Protecting Workers Who Use Cleaning Chemicals info sheet recommends the use of microfiber mops, rags and dusters. |
29.1.c |
OSHA's Protecting Workers Who Use Cleaning Chemicals info sheet recommends the use of hands-free mops. |
29.2.b |
Protecting Workers Who Use Cleaning Chemicals info sheet recommends avoiding the mixing of cleaning products that contain bleach and ammonia. |
29.1.b |
The EPA's Greening Your Purchase of Cleaning Products: A Guide for Federal Purchasers provides a list of green cleaning product resources, including Design for the Environment, EcoLogo and Green Seal labels. |
14.1.a |
NIBS recommends conducting blower door testing and infrared thermography in accordance with ASTM and ISO standards. |
29.2.a |
The EPA's Chemical Management Resource Guide for School Administrators recommends separate storage for bleach and ammonia products. |
64.2.d |
LEED v4 Pilot Credit 78: Design for Active Occupants for primary staircase(s) includes classifying regularly occupied floors for re-entry, allowing all building users to access them, and providing access via stairs to at least 50% of the tenant floors. |
64.2.a |
LEED v4 Pilot Credit 78: Design for Active Occupants includes a requirement for a main staircase to be located within 25 ft of any edge of the lobby. |
64.2.b |
LEED v4 Pilot Credit 78: Design for Active Occupants includes a requirement to locate a main staircase that is visible before occupants encounter elevators and/or escalators. |
64.3.c |
LEED v4 Pilot Credit 78: Design for Active Occupants requires some features, one of which is the provision of daylighting with windows and/or skylights that are at least 8 square feet. |
70.1.a |
USGBC's LEED Pilot Credit 78: Design for Active Occupants requires equipment to be provided in the interior fitness space and for use by 5% of regular building occupants. |
70.1.b |
USGBC's LEED Pilot Credit 78: Design for Active Occupants requires equipment to be provided in the interior fitness space and for use by 5% of regular building occupants. |
70.1.c |
USGBC's LEED Pilot Credit 78: Design for Active Occupants requires equipment to be provided in the interior fitness space and for use by 5% of regular building occupants. |
70.1.d |
USGBC's LEED Pilot Credit 78: Design for Active Occupants requires equipment to be provided in the interior fitness space and for use by 5% of regular building occupants. |
70.2.a |
USGBC's LEED Pilot Credit 78: Design for Active Occupants requires equipment to be provided in the interior fitness space and for use by 5% of regular building occupants. |
70.2.b |
USGBC's LEED Pilot Credit 78: Design for Active Occupants requires equipment to be provided in the interior fitness space and for use by 5% of regular building occupants. |
70.2.c |
USGBC's LEED Pilot Credit 78: Design for Active Occupants requires equipment to be provided in the interior fitness space and for use by 5% of regular building occupants. |
70.2.d |
USGBC's LEED Pilot Credit 78: Design for Active Occupants requires equipment to be provided in the interior fitness space and for use by 5% of regular building occupants. |
97.1.b |
The Health Product Declaration's Standard Version 1.0 provides a human health context for material hazard information (product content and emissions) disclosed in the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) as well as other sources. |
24.1.a |
The EPA notes that under certain conditions combustion appliances can release contaminants into the home that can seriously damage health, including combustion pollutants such as carbon monoxide and particulates. |
28.2.a |
The U.S. HUD's Lead Paint Safety document recommends rugs to be removable and permanent wall-to-wall carpeting not to be used. |
11.2.a |
The EPA's Work Practice Standards for Conducting Lead-Based Paint Activities document establishes requirements for conducting lead-based paint activities. |
11.2.b |
The EPA's Work Practice Standards for Conducting Lead-Based Paint Activities document establishes requirements for conducting lead-based paint activities. |
11.2.c |
The EPA's Work Practice Standards for Conducting Lead-Based Paint Activities document establishes requirements for conducting lead-based paint activities. |
48.1.a |
The CDC's Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies In Schools and Early Care and Education Programs reports that 50%-62% of fatal or near fatal allergic reactions are caused by peanuts. |
11.3.a |
AHERA's Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan establishes asbestos limits. |
11.3.b |
The EPA's Guidelines for Conducting the AHERA TEM Clearance Test to Determine Completion of an Asbestos Abatement Project guidelines establish requirements for conducting post-abatement checks. |
11.3.c |
The EPA's Guidelines for Conducting the AHERA TEM Clearance Test to Determine Completion of an Asbestos Abatement Project guidelines establish requirements for conducting post-abatement checks. |
11.4.a |
The EPA's Steps to Safe PCB Abatement Activities establishes PCB abatement procedures. |
11.4.b |
The EPA's Steps to Safe PCB Abatement Activities provides guidance on the handling, storage, and disposal of PCB waste. |
86.1.a |
One of the core question areas of CBE's Occupant Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Surveyâ„¢ is acoustic quality. |
86.1.b |
One of the core question areas of CBE's Occupant Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Surveyâ„¢ is thermal comfort. |
86.1.c |
One of the core question areas of CBE's Occupant Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Surveyâ„¢ is office furnishings and layout. |
86.1.d |
One of the core question areas of CBE's Occupant Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Surveyâ„¢ is lighting. |
86.1.e |
One of the core question areas of CBE's Occupant Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Surveyâ„¢ is air quality. |
11.1.b |
USGBC's LEED v4 Pilot Credit 54, v3 2009 requires that a minimum of 20%, by cost, of at least 3 building product and material types must not contain lead and lead compounds greater than 0.01% (100 ppm) as calculated by mass. |
25.1.a |
USGBC's LEED v3 Pilot Credit 54 requires that third party certified building materials may not include perfluorinated compounds at levels equal to or greater than 100 ppm. |
25.2.a |
USGBC's LEED v3 Pilot Credit 54 requires that third party certified building products not contain more than 0.01% by mass (100ppm) brominated or halogenated flame retardants containing bromine, chlorine, or fluorine. |
25.2.b |
USGBC's LEED v3 Pilot Credit 54 requires that third party certified building products not contain more than 0.01% by mass (100ppm) brominated or halogenated flame retardants containing bromine, chlorine, or fluorine. |
25.2.c |
USGBC's LEED v3 Pilot Credit 54 requires that third party certified building products not contain more than 0.01% by mass (100ppm) brominated or halogenated flame retardants containing bromine, chlorine, or fluorine. |
25.2.d |
USGBC's LEED v3 Pilot Credit 54 requires that third party certified building products not contain more than 0.01% by mass (100ppm) brominated or halogenated flame retardants containing bromine, chlorine, or fluorine. |
25.2.e |
USGBC's LEED v3 Pilot Credit 54 requires that third party certified building products not contain more than 0.01% by mass (100ppm) brominated or halogenated flame retardants containing bromine, chlorine, or fluorine. |
25.3.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 Pilot Credit 54 requires that third party certified building products not contain more than 0.01% by mass (100ppm) of phthalates. |
25.3.b |
USGBC's LEED v4 Pilot Credit 54 requires that third party certified building products not contain more than 0.01% by mass (100ppm) of phthalates. |
25.3.c |
USGBC's LEED v4 Pilot Credit 54 requires that third party certified building products not contain more than 0.01% by mass (100ppm) of phthalates. |
21.1.b |
ASHRAE's Underfloor Air Distribution Guide provides recommendations for underfloor air distribution systems. |
99.3.a |
Queensland Health's Wayfinding Guidelines recommend easy to recognize, memorable landmarks such as fountains, sculptures and natural views to help establish wayfinding markers. |
24.2.c |
The South Coast Air Quality Management District Rules 1146, 1146.1 and 1146.2 establish requirements for the reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions from natural gas-fired water heaters, boilers, process heaters and steam generators. |
24.2.d |
The South Coast Air Quality Management District Rules 1121 and 1146.2 establish requirements for the control of nitrogen oxides from residential natural gas-fired water heaters, large water heaters, small boilers and small process heaters. |
24.2.a |
The South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1110.2 establishes requirements for gaseous- and liquid-fueled engines for the purpose of reducing emission of nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and carbon monoxide. |
24.2.b |
The South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1111 establishes requirements for natural gas fired, fan-type central furnaces for the purpose of reducing emission of nitrogen oxides. |
29.1.d |
The CDC's Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings recommends vacuum cleaners be equipped with HEPA filters. |
21.1.a |
The Performance Evaluation and Development of Design Guidelines for Displacement Ventilation document recommends air supply temperatures. |
34.1.a |
The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines have an aesthetic guideline value of 0.6 mg/L of residual chlorine in drinking water. |
31.1.e |
The California OEHHA has a public health goal for Nickel in drinking water of 0.012 mg/L. |
32.1.b |
The California Environmental Protection Agency regulates Benzene in drinking water to a maximum concentration of 0.001 mg/L. |
32.1.c |
The California Environmental Protection Agency regulates Ethylbenzene in drinking water to a maximum concentration of 0.3 mg/L. |
32.1.f |
The California Environmental Protection Agency regulates Toluene in drinking water to a maximum concentration of 0.15 mg/L. |
33.1.a |
The California Environmental Protection Agency regulates Atrazine in drinking water to a maximum concentration of 0.001 mg/L. |
32.1.a |
The California OEHHA has a public health goal of Styrene in water of 0.0005 mg/L. |
93.1.b |
United States federal law permits eligible individuals to receive up to twelve weeks of unpaid family leave benefits. |
93.3.a |
United States federal law permits eligible individuals to receive up to twelve weeks of unpaid family leave benefits. |
37.1.d |
NYS DOH notes that water containing more than 270 mg/l of sodium should not be used by people on moderately restricted sodium diets. |
37.3.a |
The EPA's Drinking Water Best Management Practices recommends cleaning drinking water fountains to remove lime and calcium build-up. |
37.3.b |
The EPA's Drinking Water Best Management Practices recommends cleaning debris out of all outlet screens and aerators on a regular basis. |
95.1.a |
The OPM's EAPA Standards and Professional Guidelines recommend Employee Assistance Programs with confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services for employees who have personal and work-related concerns or issues. |
30.1.a |
The EPA Primary Drinking Water Regulations set maximum Turbidity levels of 0.3 NTU or less in at least 95% of water samples in any month. |
93.3.b |
The National Partnership for Women and Families' Expecting Better identifies that nine US states and the District of Columbia allow some workers to use their leave to care for either a new child or an ill family member. |
93.3.c |
The National Partnership for Women and Families' Expecting Better recognizes states that improve upon federal law by providing nursing mothers with reasonable break times and a space other than a bathroom to express breast milk at work. |
89.4.d |
Harvard Department of Sleep Medicine's Overcoming Factors that Interfere with Sleep indicates that napping prior to 5:00 PM can be helpful to recovering from fatigue without interfering with the sleep drive. |
89.4.e |
Harvard Department of Sleep Medicine's Overcoming Factors that Interfere with Sleep indicates that napping prior to 5:00 PM can be helpful to recovering from fatigue without interfering with the sleep drive. |
89.4.a |
Harvard Department of Sleep Medicine's Overcoming Factors that Interfere with Sleep indicates that napping prior to 5:00 PM can be helpful to recovering from fatigue without interfering with the sleep drive. |
89.4.b |
Harvard Department of Sleep Medicine's Overcoming Factors that Interfere with Sleep indicates that napping prior to 5:00 PM can be helpful to recovering from fatigue without interfering with the sleep drive. |
89.4.c |
Harvard Department of Sleep Medicine's Overcoming Factors that Interfere with Sleep indicates that napping prior to 5:00 PM can be helpful to recovering from fatigue without interfering with the sleep drive. |
31.1.a |
The WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality recommend maximum Lead concentrations of 0.01 mg/L. |
32.1.g |
The WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality recommend maximum Xylene concentrations of 0.5 mg/L. |
33.1.b |
The WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality recommend maximum Simazine concentrations of 0.002 mg/L. |
34.3.a |
The WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality have a guideline value for Fluoride of 1.5 mg/L. |
30.2.a |
The EPA Maximum Contaminant Level Goal for Total Coliforms is 0. |
31.1.c |
The EPA Primary Drinking Water Regulations set maximum Antimony concentrations at 0.006 mg/L. |
31.1.d |
The EPA Primary Drinking Water Regulations set maximum Mercury concentrations at 0.002 mg/L. |
31.1.f |
The EPA Secondary Drinking Water Regulations recommend maximum Copper concentrations of 1.0 mg/L. |
31.1.b |
The EPA Primary Drinking Water Regulations set maximum Arsenic concentrations at 0.01 mg/L. |
32.1.h |
The EPA Primary Drinking Water Regulations set maximum Tetrachloroethylene concentrations at 0.005 mg/L. |
32.1.d |
The EPA Primary Drinking Water Standards set maximum Polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations at 0.0005 mg/L. |
32.1.e |
The EPA Maximum Contaminant Level for Vinyl Chloride is 0.002 mg/L. |
33.1.c |
The EPA Primary Drinking Water Regulations set maximum Glyphosate concentrations at 0.70 mg/L. |
33.1.d |
The EPA Primary Drinking Water Regulations set maximum 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid concentrations at 0.07 mg/L. |
33.2.a |
The EPA Primary Drinking Water Regulations set maximum Nitrate concentrations at 10 mg/L. |
34.1.b |
The EPA Primary Drinking Water Regulations set Maximum Residual Disinfection Level of Chloramine concentrations at 4.0 mg/L. |
34.2.a |
The EPA's 1998 Final Rule for Disinfection By-products set the total concentration for trihalomethanes at 0.08 mg/l. |
34.2.b |
The EPA's 1998 Final Rule for Disinfection By-products set the total concentration for five Haloacetic acids at 0.06 mg/l. |
37.1.a |
The EPA Secondary Drinking Water Regulations recommend maximum Aluminum concentrations of 0.2 mg/L. |
37.1.b |
The EPA Secondary Drinking Water Regulations recommend maximum Chloride concentrations of 250 mg/L. |
37.1.c |
The EPA Secondary Drinking Water Regulations recommend maximum Manganese concentrations of 0.05 mg/L. |
37.1.e |
The EPA Secondary Drinking Water Regulations recommend maximum Sulfate concentrations of 250 mg/L. |
37.1.f |
The EPA Secondary Drinking Water Regulations recommend maximum Iron concentrations of 0.3 mg/L. |
37.1.g |
The EPA Secondary Drinking Water Regulations recommend maximum Zinc concentrations of 5.0 mg/L. |
37.1.h |
The EPA Secondary Drinking Water Regulations recommend maximum Total Dissolved Solids concentrations of 500 mg/L. |
39.1.d |
The AHA's Whole Grains and Fiber fact sheet identifies whole grains as good source of fiber and nutrients. |
39.2.a |
The CDC Trans Fat: The Facts identifies partially hydrogenated oils as a source of trans fats that should be avoided. |
40.1.c |
The NIAID publication, Food Allergy: An Overview states that one of the most common food allergens to children and adults is shellfish. |
40.1.d |
The NIAID publication, Food Allergy: An Overview states that one of the most common food allergens to children, especially infants, is soy. |
40.1.e |
The NIAID publication, Food Allergy: An Overview states that one of the most common food allergens to children is milk. |
40.1.f |
The NIAID publication, Food Allergy: An Overview states that one of the most common food allergens to children is eggs. |
40.1.g |
The NIAID publication, Food Allergy: An Overview states that one of the most common food allergens to children is wheat. |
40.1.h |
The NIAID publication, Food Allergy: An Overview states that one of the most common food allergens to children and adults is tree nuts. |
40.1.i |
The NIAID publication, Food Allergy: An Overview states that people with celiac disease cannot tolerate gluten. |
40.1.a |
The NIAID publication, Food Allergy: An Overview states that one of the most common food allergens to children and adults is peanuts. |
40.1.b |
The NIAID publication, Food Allergy: An Overview states that one of the most common food allergens to children and adults is fish. |
47.1.a |
The New York State Department of Health's Cafes/Cafeterias Implementation Guide recommends eateries serve at least one healthy meal that contains no more than 650 calories. |
86.2.a |
USGBC's LEED v2009: Building Design and Construction Guidelines states in IEQ Credit 7.2: Thermal Comfort - Verification that facility operators can use feedback from surveys to adjust and maintain thermal comfort in their buildings. |
48.1.d |
The Diet Manual recommends providing an egg-free diet for individuals with an egg allergy. |
48.1.e |
The Diet Manual recommends providing a vegetarian diet for those who wish to omit all or some animal products from their diet for religious, health, environmental, or ethical reasons. |
48.1.f |
The Diet Manual recommends providing a vegetarian diet for those who wish to omit all or some animal products from their diet for religious, health, environmental, or ethical reasons. |
48.1.b |
The Diet Manual recommends providing a gluten-free diet to treat gluten induced enteropathy. |
48.1.c |
The Diet Manual recommends providing a milk-free or lactose-controlled diet to prevent or reduce symptoms associated with ingesting cow's milk or dairy containing products. |
44.1.b |
The FDA's How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label requires that packaged food items list the macronutrient content as both a weight and a percentage of the recommended daily value. |
44.1.c |
The FDA's How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label requires that packaged food items list the micronutrient content as both a weight and a percentage of the recommended daily value. |
44.1.d |
The FDA's How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label requires that packaged food items list the sugar content as a weight. |
94.1.b |
Community Preventive Services Task Force's Technology _Supported Multicomponent Coaching or Counseling Interventions to Reduce Weight and Maintain Weight Loss recommends technology-supported components for weight loss interventions including pedometers. |
49.1.a |
The USDA's Organic Requlations require that organic products do not contain genetically modified ingredients and avoid synthetic materials such as antibiotics and pesticides. |
49.2.a |
Humane Farm Animal Care's Humane Farm and Animal Care Comprehensive Animal Welfare Standards Comparison by Program requires that animals are uncaged throughout their lives and not exposed to antibiotics and hormones. |
50.2.a |
The FDA's Refrigerator and Freezer Storage Chart states that food refrigerated at 40 degrees Fahrenheit can help keep food from spoiling or becoming dangerous. |
50.2.b |
The FDA's Refrigerator and Freezer Storage Chart recommends that fresh produce be stored between 41 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit and dry foods be between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. |
93.2.a |
Sloan Work and Family Research Network's Why is Employer-Supported Child Care an Important Business Issue states that on-site childcare centers help increase loyalty to an organization and reduce commuting time. |
93.2.b |
Sloan Work and Family Research Network's Why is Employer-Supported Child Care an Important Business Issue states that subsidies and vouchers help provide tax credits for employers and lower employees' financial expenses. |
46.1.d |
The National Institutes of Health's Cooking Utensils and Nutrition identifies the scratch resistant and cleanable properties of glass cutting boards. |
46.1.e |
The National Institutes of Health's Cooking Utensils and Nutrition identifies easily cleanable, scratch resistant and non-hazardous properties of anodized aluminum cookware. |
46.1.a |
The National Institutes of Health's Cooking Utensils and Nutrition recommends that children be protected from ceramic cookware potentially containing lead. |
46.1.b |
The National Institutes of Health's Cooking Utensils and Nutrition identifies that dietary iron may increase due to the use of cast iron cookware. |
46.1.c |
The National Institutes of Health's Cooking Utensils and Nutrition identifies the low cost, durable, heat resistant and non-hazardous properties of stainless steel. |
41.1.b |
The CDC's Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings recommend the use of disposable towels for the maintenance of hand-hygiene. |
41.2.a |
The CDC's Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings identifies that the practice of "topping off" hand soap dispensers can lead to bacterial contamination of soap. |
42.2.a |
The FDA's Food Code recommends that food contact surfaces be smooth and easily cleanable. |
42.2.b |
The Food Code requires a sink with at least 3 compartments shall be provided for manually washing, rinsing, and sanitizing equipment and utensils. |
41.3.a |
The Guidelines for Design and Construction of Healthcare Facilities set the discharge point of hand-washing sinks at minimum 10 inches (25.40 centimeters) above the bottom of the basin. |
41.3.b |
The Guidelines for Design and Construction of Healthcare Facilities set the area of a hand washing basin at minimum 144 square inches (365.76 square millimeters), with a minimum 9-inch (22.86-mm) width or length. |
42.1.a |
The Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland's A Survival Guide to Food recommends keeping raw meat in a separate storage space at the bottom of a refrigerator. |
98.1.a |
JUST provides a social justice transparency platform for organizations to disclose their operations, including how they treat their employees and where they make financial and community investments. |
98.1.b |
ILFI's JUST User Manual requires participating organizations to provide access to the program's publicly accessible database. |
38.2.a |
Smarterl Lunchrooms Can Address New School Lunchroom Guidelines and Childhood Obesity recommends that fruit and vegetable purchases use a "healthy convenience line". |
38.2.b |
Smarter Lunchrooms Can Address New School Lunchroom Guidelines and Childhood Obesity recommends vegetable dishes be made available at the start of the food distribution line. |
38.2.c |
Smarter Lunchrooms Can Address New School Lunchroom Guidelines and Childhood Obesity recommends that fruits are made available at the checkout location. |
38.2.d |
Smarter Lunchrooms Can Address New School Lunchroom Guidelines and Childhood Obesity recommends color photo of fruit and vegetables on menu selection. |
44.1.a |
The New York City Department of Health requires all eating establishments with 15 or more locations to post total calorie counts on menus. |
46.2.a |
The USDA recommends consumers choose cutting boards with a nonporous surface such as marble. |
46.2.b |
The USDA recommends consumers choose cutting boards with a nonporous surface such as plastic. |
46.2.c |
The USDA recommends consumers choose cutting boards with a nonporous surface such as glass. |
46.2.d |
The USDA recommends consumers choose cutting boards with a nonporous surface such as pyroceramic. |
46.2.e |
The USDA recommends consumers choose cutting boards with a nonporous surface such as wood. Laminated boards may crack and split. |
41.1.a |
The WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care state that antibacterials offer no additional benefit to using non-antibacterial soap. Fragrance is not recommended because of the risk of allergies. |
41.2.b |
The WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care recommends that in order to prevent contamination of soap bars, racks that facilitate drainage be used. |
45.1.a |
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Dietary Guidelines for Americans identifies that nutrition and physical activity decisions are influenced by marketing and media. |
45.2.a |
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Dietary Guidelines for Americans identifies that nutrition and physical activity decisions are influenced by marketing and media. |
45.2.b |
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Dietary Guidelines for Americans identifies that nutrition and physical activity decisions are influenced by marketing and media. |
39.1.a |
The CDC's Guide to Strategies for Reducing the Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages identifies that limited access to sugar sweetened beverages can decrease their consumption and increase consumption of healthier beverages. |
39.1.b |
The CDC's Guide to Strategies for Reducing the Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages identifies that limited access to sugar sweetened beverages can decrease their consumption and increase consumption of healthier beverages. |
39.1.c |
The CDC's Guide to Strategies for Reducing the Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages identifies that limited access to sugar sweetened beverages can decrease their consumption and increase consumption of healthier beverages. |
55.1.b |
To avoid glare caused by bright light sources, lamps should be shielded. The minimum shielding angle for lamp luminance of 20,000 - 50,000 cd/m² is 15°. |
55.1.c |
To avoid glare caused by bright light sources, lamps should be shielded. The minimum shielding angle for lamp luminance of 50,000 - 500,000 cd/m² is 20°. |
55.1.d |
To avoid glare caused by bright light sources, lamps should be shielded. The minimum shielding angle for lamp luminance of 500,000 cd/m² and above is 30°. |
56.1.a |
The U.S. GSA's Facilities Standard for the Public Buildings Service Tier 1 High Performance rating requires view-preserving blinds. |
56.2.a |
The U.S. GSA's Facilities Standard for the Public Buildings Service Tier 1 High Performance rating requires view-preserving blinds. |
58.1.b |
The GSA's Facilities Standard for the Public Buildings Service Tier 2 High Performance requires a Color Rendering Index R9 of at least 50. |
58.1.a |
The U.S. GSA's Facilities Standard for the Public Buildings Service Tier 1 High Performance rating requires CRI of 80 or higher. |
59.1.a |
The GSA's Facilities Standard for the Public Buildings Service Baseline requires an average LRV for ceilings of 80% or greater. |
59.1.b |
The GSA's Facilities Standard for the Public Buildings Service Tier 2 High Performance recommends an average LRV on walls of 70%. |
60.1.a |
The GSA's Facilities Standard for the Public Buildings Service notes that automatic shade controls help occupants manage luminance levels. |
60.2.a |
The GSA's Facilities Standard for the Public Buildings Service notes that automatic controls for occupancy save energy. |
60.2.b |
The GSA's Facilities Standard for the Public Buildings Service notes that automatic controls for daylight dimming save energy. |
53.2.a |
The Ontario Ministry of Labour's Computer Ergonomics: Workstations and Lighting document recommends adjustable task lighting (if required) and that light levels be between 300 to 500 lux. |
57.1.a |
Computer Ergonomics: Workstations and Lighting recommends that worker's line of sight is parallel to the plane of windows. |
65.1.b |
Certain Oxford health plans allow for reimbursement of a portion of the gym membership fee for each 6-month period wherein the employee meets a 50-visit minimum. |
73.1.a |
BIFMA's Ergonomics Guideline for Furniture Used in Office Work Spaces Designed for Computer Use recommends monitors be positioned at heights that permit seated or standing users to view the entire monitor display quickly and with little effort. |
73.3.b |
BIFMA's Ergonomics Guideline recommends workstation seat depths allow users to sit comfortably without undue pressure behind the knees and with their back properly supported by the backrest. |
73.3.a |
BIFMA's Ergonomics Guideline recommends workstation chair height level that allows users to sit comfortably with their feet on the floor or footrest with a torso-to-thigh angle not less than 90 degrees. |
66.1.a |
The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends worksite physical activity programs, including the provision of on-site facilities for exercise. |
7.4.a |
USGBC's LEED v4 Pilot Credit 75: Clean Construction requires non-road diesel engine vehicles to comply with the US EPA's Tier 4 PM emissions standards or local equivalent when applicable. |
7.4.b |
USGBC's LEED v4 Pilot Credit 75: Clean Construction requires 95% of on-road diesel engine vehicles meet the requirements set forth in the US EPA model year 2007 on-road standards for PM, or local equivalent. |
7.4.c |
USGBC's LEED v4 Pilot Credit 75: Clean Construction requires all equipment, vehicles and loading/unloading to be located away from air intakes and operable openings of adjacent buildings. |
67.3.a |
Walk Score's City and Neighborhood Ranking identifies that a Walk Score® of 70 or greater is one that allows most errands to be accomplished on foot. |
64.1.a |
NYC Active Design Guidelines: Promoting Physical Activity and Health in Design recommends including permanent signage encouraging stair use, to be integrated with the building's wayfinding program. |
64.2.c |
NYC Active Design Guidelines recommends a strategy for making stairs wide enough for traveling in groups, or in two directions, a width of at least 56 inches can comfortably accommodate this. |
64.3.a |
NYC Active Design Guidelines recommends strategies for encouraging stair use through a number of methods, including the incorporation of artwork into the stair environment. |
64.3.b |
NYC Active Design Guidelines recommends strategies for encouraging stair use through a number of methods, including adding music to stairwells. |
64.3.d |
NYC Active Design Guidelines recommends strategies for encouraging stair use through a number of methods, including highlighting interesting views onto nature or interior areas. |
67.1.b |
NYC Active Design Guidelines recommends strategies for creating pedestrian and bicycle-friendly public spaces, including the provision of both movable and fixed seating. |
67.1.c |
NYC Active Design Guidelines recommends strategies for increasing walking, including the provision of supportive infrastructure along walking routes, such as drinking fountains and water refilling stations. |
67.1.a |
NYC Active Design Guidelines identifies the design of pedestrian-friendly streets with a number of features, including benches, as a key recommended measure to encourage active environments. |
67.2.a |
NYC Active Design Guidelines recommends strategies for creating pedestrian and bicycle-friendly public spaces, including the provision of water fountains. |
67.2.b |
NYC Active Design Guidelines: Promoting Physical Activity and Health in Design recommends strategies for creating attractive plaza spaces. |
67.2.d |
NYC Active Design Guidelines: Promoting Physical Activity and Health in Design recommends incorporating temporary and permanent public art installations into the streetscape to provide a more attractive and engaging environment. |
68.1.a |
The NYC Active Design Guidelines recommend providing physical activity spaces such as exercise rooms, active play spaces, and multi-purpose recreational spaces in public, workplace and residential buildings. |
68.2.a |
NYC Active Design Guidelines recommend locating places of residence and work near existing recreational facilities, walking paths, parks, and waterfront areas. |
65.1.a |
IRC Section 132(f) on qualified transportation fringe allows employers to offer employees the opportunity to set aside a portion of their salary to pay for certain transportation expenses. |
72.1.a |
The Department of Justice Civil Rights Division's 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design set accessibility standards for new construction and alterations. |
75.1.a |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends to carefully consider the effect on neighboring workstations when locating supporting activities, i.e. copier rooms, coffee bars, entries to conference rooms. |
75.2.a |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends a background noise maximum of NC 40 for open plan workspaces. |
75.2.b |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends a background noise maximum of NC 35 for private offices. |
75.2.c |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends a background noise maximum of NC 25 for meeting rooms. |
75.2.d |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends a background noise maximum of NC 20 for teleconference facilities. |
78.1.a |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends RT60 of 0.6 seconds for meeting rooms. |
79.1.a |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends that sound masking should be considered a technique to achieve acoustic comfort in contemporary offices. |
79.2.a |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends sound masking at 45-48 dBA for open plan workspaces. |
79.2.b |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends sound masking at 40-42 dBA for private offices. |
80.1.a |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends this NRC value for open plan workspaces. |
80.1.b |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends this NRC value for meeting rooms and teleconference rooms. |
80.2.a |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends this NRC value for open plan workspaces. |
80.2.b |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends this NRC value for quiet open offices which have head-height walls. |
80.2.c |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends a minimum NRC of 0.8 on at least 25% of two adjacent walls for enclosed workspaces. |
81.1.a |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends this NIC value for private offices. |
81.1.b |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends this NIC value for teleconference rooms. |
81.1.c |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends a minimum NIC of 48 for meeting rooms. |
81.2.b |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends that the undercut should be shielded in some fashion such as a sweep or drop seal gasket. |
81.2.c |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters advises that as it relates to acoustics, hollow core doors are only good to poor. |
81.2.a |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends door gaskets to help prevent noise intrusion into offices. |
81.3.a |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends caulking gypsum partition slabs as an effective sound blocking technique. |
81.3.b |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends staggering gypsum partition slabs as an effective sound blocking technique. |
81.3.c |
The General Services Administration's Sound Matters recommends plugging holes as an effective sound blocking technique. |
92.1.d |
The National Business Group on Health's Vaccinating Against the Flu: A Business Case advises employers to consider offering opportunities for employees to get vaccinated against the flu on-site. |
20.1.b |
ASHRAE Standard 55: Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy sets best practices for thermal comfort in buildings. |
21.2.b |
ASHRAE Standard 55 provides guidelines for displacement ventilation systems for thermal environmental comfort. |
76.1.a |
ASHRAE Standard 55: Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy sets best practices for thermal comfort in buildings. |
76.2.a |
ASHRAE Standard 55: Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy sets best practices for thermal comfort in buildings. |
83.1.a |
The Department of Energy identifies radiant heating systems as more effiicient and less likely to distribute allergens than forced-air systems. |
83.1.b |
The Department of Energy identifies radiant heating systems as more effiicient and less likely to distribute allergens than forced-air systems. |
83.2.a |
The Department of Energy recommends radiant heating systems over forced-air systems as they are usually more efficient and do not distribute allergens. |
83.2.b |
The Department of Energy identifies radiant heating systems as more effiicient and less likely to distribute allergens than forced-air systems. |
94.1.a |
The NHLBI Obesity Education Initiative's Practical Guide: Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults states that self-monitoring of a behavior usually changes the behavior in the desired direction. |
100.1.b |
Marcus and Sachs' Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-based Approach to Designing Healing identifies a preference for gardens that have an approximate ratio of 70% greenery to 30% hardscape. |
100.2.a |
Marcus and Sachs' Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-based Approach to Designing Healing identifies indoor plantings as a method to simulate an outdoor “greenâ€ù experience and provide positive distraction. |
100.2.b |
Marcus and Sachs' Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-based Approach to Designing Healing identifies indoor plantings as a method to simulate an outdoor “greenâ€ù experience and provide positive distraction. |
100.3.a |
Marcus and Sachs' Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-based Approach to Designing Healing identifies that water features can provide a soothing sensory experience and positive distraction. |
99.1.a |
New South Wales Department of Planning's Residential Flat Design Code recommends a minimum ceiling height of 2.7 m [8.8 ft] in all habitable rooms and 2.4 m [7.8 ft] for all non-habitable rooms. |