Drinking water promotion

Drinking water promotion
To promote the consumption of water by making high quality drinking water easily accessible to occupants.
Water testing is performed at drinking water locations (i.e. sinks, water fountains) by collecting water samples to be reviewed in an offsite lab. A complete description of the sampling protocol and the field equipment specifications and methodologies can be viewed in the WELL Performance Verification Guidebook.
Preliminary water quality testing may provide useful feedback for the project team during the integrative design process. However, the official water testing will be performed by the WELL Performance Testing Agent during the WELL Performance Verification stage of the WELL Certification process. While preliminary testing is not required by projects, the field equipment specifications and methodologies followed by the WELL Performance Testing Agent can be found in the WELL Performance Verification Guidebook.
Per the WELL Core & Shell matrix, the building is required to implement WELL requirements for the extent of developer buildout and have confirmed tenant support. In this case, this means either providing tenants with base building water that meets the feature requirements or providing tenants with the same treatment system (or subsidy of treatment system) used at the point of sampling during Performance Verification.
No, all water, including reclaimed rain water, being used in situations that do not lead to human contact are not required to meet the water quality requirements.
Yes. According to WELL Performance Verification Guidebook, water for human contact is conducted on cold water. However, for mixed water faucets, the hot supply should be turned off. If water temperature conditions cannot be altered, testing is conducted using the available water.
No. If the restrooms are outside the WELL project boundary, the project is not required to meet the water quality requirements at these locations. Performance testing would only occur in fixtures within the project space. However, if the tenant space does not have a drinking fixture, the next closest fixture would be tested (for example: bathroom fixtures outside of the project boundary).
Yes. If the drinking water dispenser is within 30m of all parts of the regularly occupied floor space, it can be considered to meet the optimization feature. Please note that this drinking water dispenser would also need to achieve the water quality precondition requirements if it is being considered for an optimization, even when outside of the project boundary.