This is a legacy version of the WELL Building Standard. Please check the latest version here.

Structured fitness opportunities

Access to advice and training programs developed by experts can help individuals learn new fitness techniques and achieve physical health goals. Individuals with special considerations that require further guidance to ensure they engage in physical activity routines that are safe and appropriate for their level or particular disability can especially benefit from expert guidance. Training programs, depending on frequency and duration, can help increase aerobic fitness and muscle endurance, assist in weight loss, lower blood pressure and decrease worker absenteeism.

This feature requires access to personalized fitness advice and group classes. Providing individuals with access to such services is an important step towards making exercise a part of a healthy work culture.

Part 1: Professional Fitness Programs

The following is offered at least once a month:

a.84 Onsite fitness or training programs.
Part 2: Fitness Education

Classes from a qualified professional are offered at least once every 3 months to cover the following:

a. Different modes of exercise.
b. Safe fitness techniques.
c. Comprehensive exercise regimens.
Part 3: Physical Activity Breaks

Early education, elementary and middle schools must implement the following recess policies:

a.159 Students are provided a minimum of 30 minutes daily of moderate to vigorous exercise.
b.159 Removal or reduction in physical activity breaks may not be used as a form of punishment.
c.160 Physical activity breaks are taken before lunch.

Applicability Matrix

Core & Shell New & Existing Buildings New & Existing Interiors
Part 1: Professional Fitness Programs - O O
Part 2: Fitness Education - O O
Part 3: Physical Activity Breaks - - -
Commercial Kitchen Education Multifamily Residential Restaurant Retail
Part 1: Professional Fitness Programs - P - O O
Part 2: Fitness Education - P - O O
Part 3: Physical Activity Breaks - P - - -

Verification Methods Matrix

Letters of Assurance Annotated Documents On-Site Checks
Part 1: Professional Fitness Programs Policy Document
Part 2: Fitness Education Policy Document
Part 3: Physical Activity Breaks Policy Document

Community Preventive Services Task Force. Obesity Prevention and Control: Worksite Programs. Published 2013. Accessed September 15, 2014.


The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends worksite physical activity programs, including the provision of on-site facilities for exercise.


North Carolina State Board of Education. Policy regarding physical education in the public schools (Moved from HRS-E-001 – 06/05/2014). Published June, 5 2014. Accessed March 29, 2015.


The North Carolina Board of Education Policy Manual GCS-S-000, Section 3 (Recess and Physical Activity) (a) states that recess and other physical activity times "shall not be taken away from students as a form of punishment."


The North Carolina Board of Education Policy Manual GCS-S-000, Section 3 (Recess and Physical Activity) (b) states: "A minimum of 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity shall be provided by schools for all K-8 students daily."


Michigan State Board of Education. Model Local Wellness Policy. Published October 11, 2005. Accessed March 29, 2015.


The Model Local Wellness Policy developed by the Michigan Department of Education notes that recess before lunch "gives students the opportunity to excel in both health and academics."