This is a legacy version of the WELL Building Standard. Please check the latest version here.

WELL Building Standard™ Archives

Thank you for your interest in the WELL Building Standard. Below you will find the current and previous addenda versions of the WELL Building Standard v1 for download as PDF. We have also included any translations of the WELL Building Standard that are currently available. If you have any technical difficulties accessing these documents, please email us at

  • Top 5 Takeaways from the Light WELLography

    The Light WELLography will get you up to speed on everything you need to know about light and how it impacts you.

  • Recording: Introducing the Mind & Light WELLographies

    This webcast recording will allow you to learn how to use and apply the Mind and Light WELLographies.

  • Top 5 Takeaways from the Light WELLography

    The Light WELLography will get you up to speed on everything you need to know about light and how it impacts you.

  • Recording: July Community Webcast: Nourishment & Fitness WELLographies

    This webcast recording will allow you to learn how to use and apply the Nourishment and Fitness WELLographies.

  • Top 5 Takeaways from the Nourishment #WELLography

    This article discusses the main takeaways from the Nourishment WELLorgaphy, a guide for nutrition education and research-based interventions to help you fuel your body and design environments that support your health and well-being.

  • Innovation Submission Form

    This form outlines guidelines for submitting an innovation proposal. Please note that in addition to submitting this form you must submit associated documentation, plans, images and research.

  • Innovation Features: How to shape a proposal - and the future of the healthy building movement

    This article provide guidance on how to craft a successful Innovation proposal.

  • WELL tip: Achieve an Innovation feature by adding a WELL AP to your team
  • Recording: July WELL AP Meet-up: Submitting Innovation Proposals

    Listen to this webcast recording to learn examples of how project teams have achieved Innovation features and equip you with tips and tricks to craft your own creative strategies to address human health in a novel way.

  • Recording: Introducing the Mind & Light WELLographies

    This webcast recording will allow you to learn how to use and apply the Mind and Light WELLographies.