This is a legacy version of the WELL Building Standard. Please check the latest version here.

WELL Addenda


Review the complete list of addenda changes made to the WELL Building Standard.

Feature 4: VOC reduction

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Under Part 1c, delete "VOC control" and replace with "VOC content".

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add Contractor Letters of Assurance as required documentation.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Under Part 2c, delete "VOC control" and replace with "VOC content".

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add Owner Letter of Assurance as required documentation.

Feature 5: Air filtration

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 15 Aug, 2018

Remove: 27 Apr, 2017 AAP "Projects registered as... Feature 05, Part 1: Filter Accommodation."

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "Rack space and fan capacity is in place for future carbon filters or combination particle/carbon filters." Add: "Rack space is available and rack location identified for future implementation of carbon filters or combination particle/carbon filters."

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

Change Part 1b from "The system is able to accommodate additional filters" to "The mechanical system is sized to accommodate the additional filters."

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

Class F 7 (or higher) media filters are an acceptable equivalent to MERV 13 (or higher) media filters.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To remove indoor and outdoor airborne contaminants through air filtration.'

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In a project with a split-system air conditioning unit that does not allow for accommodating MERV 13 filters, the following measures may be implemented as an alternative. For Parts 1 and 2a of this feature, a standalone air purifier with carbon filter and HEPA filter performing equivalent to MERV 17-20 may be used in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines. Installation of the HEPA filters may not be conditional based on the criteria in Part 2b. A sufficient quantity of stand-alone air purifiers and carbon filters and HEPA filters must be provided in accordance with the manufacturers recommended area coverage. Provide a policy document to confirm Part 3 of this Feature, and a policy document that confirms that the project owner will maintain and replace the filters and filter units located within the project as per manufacturer specifications.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

Projects unable to provide additional space for carbon filters may instead educate future tenants on their ability to buy and install stand-alone air purifiers with carbon filters. The project team must provide a letter signed by the project owner to confirm that if required for WELL certification in the future, the project owner will buy and install the air purifiers with filters on behalf of the tenant. It must be demonstrated that adequate wall space is accommodated to install wall-mounted air purifiers. The WELL Performance Testing Agent will confirm the available wall space and examine a copy of all the information given to tenants during the project’s Performance Verification.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

Add "or combination particle/carbon filters." to the end of Part 1a. Part 1a now reads "Rack space and fan capacity is in place for future carbon filters or combination particle/carbon filters."

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In lieu of installing rack space for future carbon filters, an execution plan for future modifications to the HVAC system to create rack space for carbon filters may be provided in the event that the installation of carbon filters is a requirement of the WELL Building Standard in the future. To follow this approach, it must be confirmed that the system would be able to physically accept carbon filters should the necessary rack space be created, the plan must identify the cost estimates of renovating the HVAC system to include the necessary rack space to confirm that it is considered a capital improvement item, and the owner must commit to making the upgrades should the WELL Building Standard require carbon filters in a future recertification of the project.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Multifamily Residential projects may use wall-mounted HEPA filters to meet the requirements of Feature 5 Parts 1 and 2, provided the project contains a sufficient quantity of wall mounted HEPA filters in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended area coverage. In addition, a policy document must be provided confirming Part 3 of the Feature and that the Owner will maintain the filters for the units that are located in both common and private areas.

Feature 6: Microbe and mold control

Type Description
Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

As an alternative to the quarterly inspection of cooling coils required in Feature 6, Part 1b, projects may sample 25% of the project’s cooling coils per quarter (representative of all building orientations and equal to 100% of cooling coils per year) through either visual inspection or performance inspection tests. Policy documentation must be provided that includes a detailed description of the inspection protocols for cooling coils and drain pans, and confirming that cleaning will be provided if mold is found before the annual inspection. The inspection and analyses must be performed in accordance with ISO 16000-18 and ISO 16000-17.
Note that dated photos must still be provided to IWBI on a yearly basis.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To reduce mold and bacteria growth within buildings, particularly from water damage or condensation on cooling coils.'

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add annotated operations schedule OR MEP drawing as required documentation, remove MEP Letter of Assurance, remove on-site spot checks.

Feature 7: Construction pollution management

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "newly installed" after "all"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "occurring within one year prior to Performance Verification" after "building construction"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "occurring within one year prior to Performance Verification" after "during construction"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "occurring within one year prior to Performance Verification" after "building construction"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To minimize the introduction of construction-related pollutants into indoor air and protect building products from degradation.'

Type: Interpretation
Post Date: 06 May, 2016
Inquiry: My project is an existing project; does Feature 7 apply to my project?
Ruling: For existing projects, it must be demonstrated that the requirements of Feature 7 were met for all construction/renovation/alteration activity that took place during the process of readying the project for WELL certification and all construction/renovation/alteration activity that occurred within 1 year prior to the WELL project registration. If no such activity took place within 1 year prior to the WELL project registration, the feature requirements are met.
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Change title of Part 3 from "VOC Absorption Management" to "Moisture Absorption Management"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 3, change "To prevent building materials from absorbing and later releasing VOCs emitted by other (source) materials during construction, the following requirements are met: to "To prevent building materials from absorbing water or moisture during construction, the following requirements are met:"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 3a, change “A secure area is designated to store and protect…” to “A separate area is designated to store and protect…”.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Remove Parts 3b and 3c.

Feature 8: Healthy entrance

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Nov, 2018

In 24 Oct, 2016 AAP, remove: "Where projects are restricted from using an entry vestibule or revolving door (for e.g. projects in the Philippines following the National Building Code, which prohibits revolving doors or vestibules for designated exits), they". Add: "Projects"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Nov, 2018

In 24 Oct, 2016 AAP, remove: "Where the options of an entry vestibule or revolving door are not possible for projects with regularly occupied lobbies, projects". Add: "Projects"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 15 Aug, 2018

In part description, add: ", including doors with pedestrian traffic only to/from terraces or patios (no traffic to/from surrounding grounds), " after "…occupant shoes at all regularly used entrance(s)"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 15 Aug, 2018

In 24 Oct, 2016 AAP, remove: ""Projects must also provide indoor pressure sensor readings from one day. This should include exhaust and supply sequences. Projects should also provide mechanical drawings of the project space and manufacturer documentation of the air curtain equipment"". Add: ""To document this alternative adherence path, the project team must provide the following in the Documentation Submission:

- Indoor pressure sensor readings in accordance with ANSI/ AMCA 220 including exhaust and supply sequences from a single day
- Mechanical drawings of the project space and manufacturer documentation of the air curtain equipment""

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

For Part 3a, remove: "locker room". Add: "changing room"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

For Part 1a, add: "(sum of indoor and outdoor length)" after "primary direction of travel"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

For Part 1b, add: "(sum of indoor and outdoor length)" after "primary direction of travel"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

For Part 1c, add: "(sum of indoor and outdoor length)" after "primary direction of travel"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "Permanent" from title of Part name.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

For projects that have an entryway walk off system that is less than 10 feet in length, but no smaller than 9’6’’, temporary rollout mats may be used during potential inclement weather (i.e. a 30% chance or higher) to bring the walk-off system up to 10 feet in length. In addition, projects must commit to cleaning the entrance/lobby multiple times daily, and demonstrate this through a cleaning plan. Provide the cleaning plan as well as a narrative detailing the project policy regarding rollout mats and inclement weather.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

Projects may use a permanent entryway system 3 meters long, and an air curtain to create an air seal. There are several specifications for this path:

  1. The air curtain must have a minimum velocity of not less than 2 meters per second (6.56 feet per second) at the floor, have been tested in accordance with ANSI/AMCA 220, and must be installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. It must also be commissioned prior to occupancy by a qualified agent.
  2. An indoor pressure sensor must be installed in the building lobby that is capable of providing automatic readings at least once an hour.
  3. The project team must specify target pressurization levels for these locations when the building is occupied. These levels have to keep air from entering the building more than the standard amount, allow occupants to open and close doors easily and not cause moisture problems due to exfiltration. Projects must provide documentation of these targeted levels and ensure they achieve the objectives outlines above.

To document this alternative adherence path, the project team must provide the following in the Documentation Submission:

  • Indoor pressure sensor readings in accordance with ANSI/ AMCA 220 including exhaust and supply sequences from a single day
  • Mechanical drawings of the project space and manufacturer documentation of the air curtain equipment

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

Projects may create a healthy space by installing stand-alone air filters in the breathing zone near the primary seating of occupants, and near the entrance. A narrative must be included with documentation to describe the contaminants that will be filtered out along with an operations schedule for the maintenance of the air filters.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To minimize the introduction of pollutants into indoor air at building entrances.'

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

The requirements of Part 2 (Entryway Seal) may be met by controlling building pressure according to the following requirements:

- An indoor pressure sensor must be installed in the building lobby and near any other entrance to the building from the outside. The pressure sensor must be capable of providing automatic readings on a frequency of at least one per hour.
- The project team must specify the targeted building pressurization levels for these locations for when the building is in both cooling mode and heating mode. The pressure levels must keep outside air from entering the building (more than standard practice), allow occupants to open and close doors easily, and must not cause undue condensation or other moisture problems due to exfiltration through the building envelope.

To document this alternative path, the project team must provide the following in the documentation application submission:
- A narrative describing the targeted building pressurization levels for both cooling mode and heating mode.
- A narrative (and other supporting documentation as necessary) demonstrating that the pressure levels keep outside air from entering the building (more than standard practice), allow occupants to open and close doors easily, and do not cause undue condensation or other moisture problems due to exfiltration through the building envelope.
- Indoor pressure readings demonstrating one day of pressure sensor readings from a cooling period, and one day of pressure sensor readings from a heating period. The exhaust and supply sequences must be provided to demonstrate that the desired pressure readings will be achieved.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Replace the first sentence with the following: "One of the following is in place to slow the movement of air from outdoors to indoors within mechanically ventilated main building entrances:"

Feature 9: Cleaning protocol

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 15 Aug, 2018

For Part 1b, remove: "A list of approved product seals with which". Add "A list of products that"

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

Where securing products that meet Hazard Statement requirements set in Table A4 is problematic, the project can submit documentation demonstrating an attempt has been made, including a petition or formal request filed with at minimum three manufacturers/labels (per product category). The project is then permitted instead to use products that meet Type 1 eco-labeling program, as defined by ISO 14024:H929:1999 and developed by a member of the Global Ecolabelling Network.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

Cradle to Cradle Certified™ products with a Gold or Platinum level in the Material Health category or products with a Gold or Platinum level Material Health Certificate from the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute have been deemed accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 09 Part 1.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

The Global GreenTag Standard v4.0 and PhD Methodology are not accepted as alternatives for the requirements of Feature 09 Part 1 because the requirements of GreenTag do not match those of these WELL features.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

In system diagram, add: "Respiratory" and "Integumentary" to diagram and to list under diagram of body system

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 23 Aug, 2017

Vikings by Rotulo Ecologico ABNT is not approved as an acceptable alternative to the requirements of Feature 09 Part 1. Equivalencies are a comparison of different codes and regulations and are appropriate for projects that wish to propose an equivalent standard, code, or practice to meet the feature intent.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

The Eco Mark Program has been accepted for Feature 09, Part 1.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "A cleaning plan is created which includes following requirements". Add: "A cleaning plan is created that includes"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "a. A list of high-touch and low-touch surfaces in the space (See Table A1 in Appendix C)". Add: "a. The Cleaning Equipment and Training section of Table A4 in Appendix C"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "b. A list of approved product seals with which all cleaning products must comply (See Table A4 in Appendix C)". Add: "b. A list of approved product seals with which all cleaning, disinfection and hand hygiene products must comply in accordance with the Cleaning, Disinfection and Hand Hygiene Product section in Table A4 in Appendix C."

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "c. A cleaning protocol and dated cleaning logs that are maintained and available to all occupants". Add: "c. A list of high-touch surfaces and schedule of sanitization or disinfection as specified in the Disinfection and Sanitization section in Table A4 in Appendix C"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "d. A cleaning schedule that specifies the extent and frequency that a surface is cleaned, sanitized, or disinfected in accordance with the Disinfection and Sanitization and Entryway Maintenance sections of Table A4 in Appendix C". Add: "d. A cleaning schedule that specifies the extent and frequency of cleaning, including the Entryway Maintenance section of Table A4 in Appendix C"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "e. The Cleaning Equipment and Training section of Table A4 in Appendix C". Add: "e. Dated cleaning logs that are maintained and available to all occupants"

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Projects registered as New and Existing Interiors that can demonstrate that aspects of the base building operation is outside of their control are not required to achieve Feature 09, Part 1: Cleaning Plan for Occupied Spaces.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

Remove Waste stream management section from the Cleaning Protocol guidelines.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

The Good Environmental Choice of Australia (GECA) Standard CPv2.2i-2012 (Cleaning Products) has been deemed accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 09 Part 1.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

The EU Ecolabel has been accepted as an alternative for Requirement (d) of Feature 9 Part 1.
Note that Multifamily Residential Pilot projects are required to meet GS-49 for residential cleaning services rather than GS-42.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

The A.I.S.E. Charter for Sustainable Cleaning has been accepted as an alternative for Requirement (d) of Feature 9 Part 1.
Note that Multifamily Residential Pilot projects are required to meet GS-49 for residential cleaning services rather than GS-42.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

SCS has been approved as an acceptable alternative for Feature 9 Part 1, Requirement d.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

Change Part 1b text to: 'A cleaning schedule that specifies the extent and frequency that a surface is cleaned, sanitized or disinfected in accordance with the Disinfection and Sanitization and Entryway Maintenance sections of Table A4 in Appendix C.'

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

Add Part 1e with the following text: 'The Cleaning Equipment and Program Protocol section of Table A4 in Appendix C.'

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To reduce occupant exposure to pathogens, allergens, and harmful cleaning chemicals.'

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 1 description, change “… a cleaning plan is created and presented…” to “… a cleaning plan is created in accordance with Table A4 in Appendix C and presented…”

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

For Part 1b, add “and entryway walk off mats (if applicable)” after “each high-touch and low-touch surface” in the first sentence.

Feature 10: Pesticide management

Type Description
Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 30 Nov, 2018

AVA Pesticide Registration has not been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 10 – Pesticide Management.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

The European Regulations 1107/2009/EC and 528/2012/EU have been accepted as alternatives for the requirements of Feature 10 Part 1b.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In 17 Jan, 2017 EP, remove: "UK Regulations Directive 2009/128/EC has". Add: "UK Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012 have"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

For Part 1b, remove: "hazard-ranked". Add: "with a Hazard Tier ranking of 3 (least hazardous)" after "Use of pesticides"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 27 Nov, 2017

Malmö Stads Riktlinjer för Kemisk Bekämpning (2015) (The City of Malmoe’s Guidelines for Pesticide Use, 2015) of Sweden has been accepted as an equivalent to the San Francisco Environment Code Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program of Feature 10 Part 1.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

Biopesticides registered with the Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee (CIBRC) of India have been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 10 Part 1b.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

In system diagram, add: "Urinary" to diagram and to list under diagram of body system

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "The following conditions are met for all pesticides and herbicides used on outdoor plants". Add: "Pesticide and herbicide use on outdoor plants is eliminated, or hazards are minimized through one of the following:"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "Pestcide and herbicide use is minimized by creating a use plan based on Chapter 3 of the San Francisco Environment Code Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program". Add: "The creation of a pest management plan in place of pesticide/herbicide use, based on Chapter 3 of the San Francisco Environment Code Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "Only pesticides with a hazard tier ranking of 3 (least hazardous) as per the City of San Francisco Department of the Environment's (SFE) Hazard Tier Review Process are used. Refer to Table A2 in Appendix C for more details". Add: "Use of hazard-ranked pesticides based on screening lists described in Table A2 in Appendix C."

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

The UK Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012 have been approved for F10, Part 1, Requirement a. Adopting organic farming principles described in Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 has been approved as an acceptable method to comply with F10 Part 1, Requirement b.
Note that:
1. Any envisaged exemptions adopted from the SF IPM program has to be listed.
2. The public has to be notified of any pesticides use under exempt conditions
3. Annual update of the IPM plan
4. Display the IPM plan in the building communal area and/or on website
5. Engage organic gardening professional for design of landscaping, and if infestation occurs
6. Ensure that ongoing use of IPM is part of any FM contract that manages the landscaping

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

Under Part 1b, remove "Reduced Risk Pesticide List" and replace with "Hazard Tier Review Process"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To reduce the presence of pests in buildings and minimizing occupant exposure to harmful chemicals.'

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 1 description, change “The following conditions are met for all pesticides and herbicides used on plants:” to “The following conditions are met for all pesticides and herbicides user on outdoor plants.”

Feature 11: Fundamental material safety

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Feb, 2019

All commercial and institutional spaces found to have lead-based hazards must adhere to U.S. EPA 40 CFR Part 745.227 work practice standards for conducting lead-based paint activities, as outlined in U.S. 40 CFR Part 745.227 for multi-family dwellings and in U.S. 29 CFR Part 1926.62 for general construction work. An occupant protection plan must be implemented during the work activities.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Feb, 2019

To reduce hazards in projects constructed prior to any applicable laws banning or restricting asbestos, the following testing, evaluation and abatement protocols (as applicable) are is conducted for prior and during repair, renovation, demolition, or painting.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Feb, 2019

An on-site investigation of the commercial space conducted by a certified risk assessor or inspector technician to determine the presence of any lead-based hazards in paint, dust and soil using the definitions in U.S. EPA 40 CFR Part 745.65 for residential dwellings or child-occupied facilities.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 24 Jan, 2019

The standard GBZ/T 192.5 – 2007 National Occupational Health Standards - Method for Determination of Dust in the Air in the Workplace Part 5: Asbestos Fiber Concentration has been accepted as an equivalent for 40 CFR Part 763 of Feature 11 Part 3 for projects in China. Note that the scope this of this equivalency is limited to requirement (c) of this feature part (post-abatement clearance testing).

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 24 Jan, 2019

The standard GBZ/T 193-2007 National Occupational Health Standards – Criterion of Control and Prevention for Occupational hazards in Asbestos Processing has been accepted as an equivalent for 40 CFR Part 763 of Feature 11 Part 3 for projects in China. Note that the scope this of this equivalency is limited to requirement (b) of this feature part (actions to minimize asbestos hazards).

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Oct, 2018

Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) certified inspectors have been accepted as an alternative for the EPA certified inspector requirements of Feature 11 Part 2 and 4 for Hong Kong.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 15 Aug, 2018

Projects may meet Feature 11 Part 1 by complying with requirements for maximum concentration values for toxic chemicals tolerated by weight in homogenous materials as required by European Union’s Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS).

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 15 Aug, 2018

In 29 May, 2018 AAP, remove: "the US Consumer Product Safety Commission". Add: "an agency focused on protecting the public from risk or injury associated with consumer products,”

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 14 Jun, 2018

EPA Ireland - Management Plan for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Ireland has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 11, Part 4 for projects in Ireland.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 07 Jun, 2018

In Core & Shell Scope, remove: "Entire Building". Add: "Extent of Developer Buildout"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

Products certified under Global GreenTag Standard v4.0 and PhD Methodology are considered to meet the asbestos and mercury restrictions of Feature 11 Part 1c and 5b.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

All newly installed building materials meet the following materials composition requirements:

  1. No asbestos >1% by weight in the following:
    • Thermal system insulation (applied to pipes, fittings, boilers, breeching, tanks, ducts or other like components to prevent heat loss or gain).
    • Surfacing material (that is sprayed, troweled or otherwise applied to surfaces, for example acoustical plaster or fireproofing materials).
    • Wallboard/millboard, resilient floor covering, roofing and siding shingles (including metal cladding) and construction mastics.
  2. For furnishings, at minimum 20% by cost of the following building product and material types contain < 100 ppm added lead:
    • Doors and door hardware.
    • Ductwork.
    • Conduits. 
    • Metal studs.
    • Mirrors/glass.
    • Brass cooler drains, pumps, motors and vales.
    • Roofing or flashing.
    • Vinyl blinds or wall covering.
    • Other (Product categories can be suggested for inclusion in the cost calculation, provided evidence/documentation for added lead content is presented.)

Wherever procurement of a product or a material type is not possible, the project is permitted to submit documentation demonstrating an attempt has been made, including a petition or formal request filed with at minimum three manufacturers (per product or material type) who were unable to meet their needs.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

Asbestos Content and Advocacy
All newly-installed building materials do not contain asbestos >1% by weight in the below materials. Wherever procurement of a product or a material not possible, the project is permitted to submit documentation demonstrating an attempt has been made, including a petition or formal request filed with at minimum 3 manufacturers (per product or material) who were unable to meet their needs.

  1. Thermal insulation (applied to pipes, fittings, boilers, breeching, tanks, or ducts)
  2. Acoustical plaster
  3. Fireproofing materials on structural members
  4. Wallboard/millboard
  5. Floor tile and sheeting
  6. Roofing and siding shingles (including metal cladding)
  7. Construction mastics

Lead Content
All newly-installed building materials meet the following material composition requirements:

  1. No more than a weighted average of 0.25% lead in wetted surfaces of pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fittings, and fixtures, and 0.20% for solder or flux used in plumbing for water intended for human consumption.
  2. No interior or exterior paints containing lead.
  3. Use of lead-free roofing and flashing.

Lead Advocacy
For each product type listed below (as applicable) projects submit documentation demonstrating a petition or a formal request is filed with at least three manufacturers to limit lead content to <100ppm.

  1. Door hardware
  2. Ductwork
  3. Conduit
  4. Metal studs
  5. Mirrors
  6. Brass cooler drains, pumps, motors, valves
  7. Vinyl blinds or wallcovering

Lead Disclosure
Project teams file a petition with an agency focused on protecting the public from risk or injury associated with consumer products, requesting a product label is developed for building products to verify lead content is below 100ppm.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

Products certified under Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) FFFMv3.0-2017, Furniture, Fittings, Foam and Mattresses (Level A) are considered to meet the lead and asbestos restrictions of Feature 11 Part 1.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 28 May, 2018

European Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS II) has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 11, Parts 5a and 5b, for Europe. Note that high-pressure sodium lamps must still meet the requirements set in LEED v4 PBT source reduction - mercury credit.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 15 Apr, 2018

Products certified under Good Environmental Choice Australia Floor Coverings (GECA 25-2011 v2i) are considered to meet the toxic material reduction restrictions of Feature 11 Part 1.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 19 Mar, 2018

OSHA 29 CFR 1926.62 has not been deemed equivalent to EPA 40 CFR Part 745.227 for the requirements of Feature 11, Part 2. Note while the acceptable work practices are similar between the two standards, OSHA 29 CFR 1926.62 does not establish determinations for all lead-related hazards to an occupant beyond the potential exposure of a construction employee.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 20 Feb, 2018

AFRDI Standard 150 has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 11, Part 1.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

Complex electrical or data products that are made up entirely of small electrical components, such as fire alarms, meters, sensors, thermostats and load break switches, may meet the European Union’s Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive in lieu of the 100 ppm limit on added lead in Feature 11 Part 1c. RoHS establishes the following maximum concentration values for chemicals by weight in homogeneous materials:
1. Lead (Pb): < 1000 ppm
2. Mercury (Hg): < 100 ppm
3. Cadmium (Cd): < 100 ppm
4. Hexavalent Chromium (Cr VI): < 1000 ppm
5. Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB): < 1000 ppm
6. Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE): < 1000 ppm
7. Bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP): < 1000 ppm
8. Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP): < 1000 ppm
9. Dibutyl phthalate (DBP): < 1000 ppm
10. Disobutyl phthalate (DIBP): < 1000 ppm

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 06 Nov, 2017

ProPECC2/97, when used in combination with the Hong Kong EPD’s Code of Practice on Asbestos Control protocol and a post clearance test, has been accepted as an alternative to the requirements of Feature 11 Part 3.