This is a legacy version of the WELL Building Standard. Please check the latest version here.

WELL Addenda


Review the complete list of addenda changes made to the WELL Building Standard.

Feature 01: Air quality standards

Type Description
Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 27 May, 2020

To utilize the following AAP, projects must meet the following requirements:
- The project is located in a country listed in the "lower-middle" or "low" income groups as per the 2016 analysis according to the World Bank Atlas Method.
- The project achieves certification under a qualifying pre-approved green building program.
- The project achieves Feature 18.

Projects that meet the requirements above may use the following thresholds in lieu of those listed in Part 2:
- PM₂.₅ less than 35 μg/m³
- PM₁₀ less than 75 μg/m³.

A project using this AAP is limited to Silver level certification.

Feature 1: Air quality standards

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Nov, 2018

In 27 Apr, 2017 AAP, remove: "(part 1c)" after "…in total VOCs". Add: "(part 1b)"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

In system diagram, add: "Integumentary" to list under diagram of body system

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Projects may exceed 500 µg/m³ in total VOCs (part 1b), so long as the following individual component VOCs do not exceed the limits listed in CDPH/EHLB/Standard Method V1.1, Table 4.1 (one half the Chronic Reference Exposure Levels (CREL) issued by Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment):

Compound Name CAS No. Allowable Conc (µg/m³)
Benzene 71-43-2 30
Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 400
Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 20
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 500
Chloroform 67-66-3 150
Dichlorobenzene (1,4-) 106-46-7 400
Dichloroethylene (1,1) 75-35-4 35
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 1000
Hexane (n-) 110-54-3 3500
Isopropyl Alcohol 67-63-0 3500
Methyl chloroform 71-55-6 500
Methylene chloride 75-09-2 200
Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 4000
Styrene 100-42-5 450
Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 17.5
Toluene 108-88-3 150
Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 300
Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 100
Xylene (m, o, p combined) 108-38-3 + 95-47-6 + 106-42-3, 179601-23-1 + 95-47-6, or 1330-20-7 350

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "4 pCi/L". Add: "0.148 Bq/L [4 pCi/L]"

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 09 Feb, 2017

Projects located in areas where annual average ambient PM2.5 levels are 35 µg/m³ or higher may utilize one of the following alternative strategies to satisfy Part 2.
- Replace the PM2.5 level in part 2b with 25 µg/m³. Projects using this option are limited in WELL Certification level to Gold, no matter how many optimizations are achieved.
- Replace the PM2.5 level in part 2b and the PM10 level in part 2c with a level equal to 30% of the 24- or 48-hr average of ambient outdoor levels on the day(s) of Performance Verification. Projects using this option are limited in WELL Certification level to Silver, no matter how many optimizations are achieved.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To ensure a basic level of high indoor air quality.'

Feature 2: Smoking ban

Type Description
Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 31 Jul, 2019

To utilize the following AAP for Feature 02, projects must be either:
-Located in a jurisdiction where the provision of a smoking room is either mandated by ordinance, incentivized or subsidized by the government, or is a non-regulatory requirement.
-Located in a jurisdiction where smoking is banned outdoors, except in designated areas. Such designated areas must be more than 50 m [164 ft] from all functional building entrances, and smoking ban must be enforced.
Projects may achieve Feature 02, Part 1 by providing smoking areas within the project boundary that meet the following requirements:
1. Clearly designated as a smoking area.
2. Independently ventilated and negatively pressurized to prevent smoke from escaping, as per either ASHRAE 62.1-2013, Section 5.17 or LEED NC 2009 IEQ prerequisite Environmental Tobacco Smoking (ETS) Control, Option 2 Case 1 Non-Residential Projects.
3. Uses doors that are equipped with self-closing mechanisms on all entrances.
4. Constructed of materials and furnishings with low absorptive and non-porous characteristics.
5. Does not allow persons under the age of 18 to enter.
6. Contains prominently-displayed smoking cessation and health education signage and does not contain entertainment amenities.
7. When cleaned, cleaning staff are provided with P100 respirator masks.
8. If the smoking area is repurposed, all materials within the space must be discarded.

During performance verification, one of the sampling points for Feature 01 will be 2–5 m [6.6–16.4 ft] meters from the door to the smoking room and the door will be opened at least once every ten minutes during the testing period.

For Feature 02, Part 2, project may have outdoor smoking areas (e.g., on a roof or patio), provided that these areas are at least 8 m [26 ft] from outdoor air intakes and operable windows. There must be at least two regularly closed doors (or one revolving door) between the smoking area and any regularly occupied interior space for any entries within 8 m [26 ft] of outdoor smoking area. Project must include an identical (or superior) outdoor area where smoking is banned at least 20 m [66 ft] from any other outdoor area where smoking is allowed.

A project using this AAP is limited to Silver level certification, unless it:
- Achieves Feature 95: Stress and addiction treatment, in which case it can achieve Gold.

In addition to original documentation, an architectural drawing must be provided which indicates location, entrances, and wall construction of smoking area. Furthermore, the MEP engineer must provide a Letter of Assurance that the ventilation and pressurization requirements are met. Proper signage must be posted at the entrance to the smoking area and is subject to a spot check during performance review.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

For Part 1a, remove: "inside the building". Add: "inside the project"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To deter smoking, minimize occupant exposure to second hand smoke, and reduce smoke pollution.'

Feature 03: Ventilation effectiveness

Type Description
Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 27 May, 2020

To utilize the following AAP, projects seeking to use natural ventilation to meet Part 1 must meet the following requirements:
- The project is located in a country listed in the "lower-middle" or "low" income groups as per the 2016 analysis according to the World Bank Atlas Method.
- The project achieves certification under a qualifying pre-approved green building program.
- The project achieves Feature 18.

Then project may use the Natural Ventilation Procedure (as described in ASHRAE 62.1-2013) for determining ventilation compliance in Part 1 without first determining the quality of the outdoor air.

A project using this AAP is limited to Silver level certification.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

For Part 4a, remove: "(Ventilation Rate Procedure or IAQ Procedure) for residential buildings of 3 or fewer floors". Add: "(or more recent version) for dwelling units"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

For Part 4b, remove: "(Ventilation Rate Procedure or IAQ Procedure) for residential buildings of more than 3 floors above grade". Add: "for common areas and other spaces apart from dwelling units"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

Remove: "c. Projects comply with all requirements set in the Natural Ventilation Procedure…the previous year."

Feature 3: Ventilation effectiveness

Type Description
Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 16 Mar, 2020

The Article R4222-6 of the French Work Code (Code du Travail) has been deemed acceptable for ASHRAE 62.1-2013 of Part 1 for France.
Note that this equivalency only applies for office buildings.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 05 Jun, 2019

ASHRAE Standard 170-2008 has been accepted as an alternative to meet the requirements of Feature 3 - Ventilation Effectiveness, Part 1 - Ventilation Design for healthcare facilities.

Note that all spaces not covered in ASHRAE 170-2008 must follow ventilation rates described in ASHRAE 62.1-2010 or later.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

Multifamily residential projects may achieve Feature 03, Part 4 by ventilating lobbies and corridors via infiltration from pressurized dwelling units rather than dedicated supply air. Infiltration into these spaces must meet or exceed 0.3 L/s/m².
A professional narrative must also be provided which indicates pressurization levels in dwelling units and demonstrates sufficient infiltration into corrdidors and/or lobbies.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 30 Nov, 2018

UK Building Regulations Part F has been accepted as an equivalent for ASHRAE 62.2-2013 of Feature 03, Part 4a for supply air ventilation requirements.
Note that the extraction rates for kitchen and toilet exhaust must still meet the ASHRAE 62.2-2013 requirements.
This equivalency may only be used for projects in the United Kingdom.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

Where projects are restricted from implementing a demand-controlled ventilation system or are unable to retrofit the existing ventilation system to be demand-controlled, the requirements of Feature 03 Part 2 may be met through the following conditions for outdoor air supply rate, whichever is more stringent:
1. Exceed the ventilation rates set in ASHRAE 62.1-2013 (Ventilation Rate Procedure or IAQ Procedure) by 40%. Note that if this feature part applies to more than 50% of the total floor area at the project site, projects are not eligible to receive points for Feature 15 Part 1a.
2. Provide a ventilation supply rate of 12 L/s (25 CFM) per person or higher.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

A thermal comfort survey has not been accepted as an equivalent for the requirements of Feature 03 Part 3. Note that the intent of Feature 03 is to ensure adequate ventilation and high indoor air quality. Additionally, the reference standard for this feature is ASHRAE 62.1-2013: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, not ASHRAE 55-2013.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007 has not been accepted as an equivalent for the requirements of Feature 03 Part 1 and 3. Note that the ventilation requirements for all space types are not equivalent between ASHRAE Standard 62.1 versions 2007 and 2013. Therefore, these reference standards cannot be considered equivalent for all projects.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 11 May, 2018

Singapore SS 553:2016 CP Standard has not been accepted as an equivalent for ASHRAE 62.1-2013 of Feature 03. SS 553 Table 1 does not address all applicable and expected space types within an office occupancy. Note also that all Equivalencies are precedent-setting meaning that review of potential equivalent standards or codes cannot be conducted on a project-specific basis. Equivalency proposals must address the variety of project and space types present in the original code or standard. Further, in some cases, the ventilation rates listed in SS 553 Table 1 appear to be less than the default ventilation rates listed in ASHRAE 62.1-2013 Table for the same occupancy types.
Please note that it is acceptable for the project team to bring on another individual with experience using ASHRAE standards to verify design compliance and sign the LOA (e.g. as a peer review), if they wish and/or the engineer of record is unable to do so.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

CIBSE Guide A has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements in ASHRAE 62.1 2013 for Feature 3 Part 1

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

Under "Air Feature 3 Ventilation effectiveness, Part 3", remove: "Testing and Balancing Report". Add: "MEP or Contractor" under "Letters of Assurance"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

For Part 2a, add: "(measured at 1.2-1.8 m [4-6 ft] above the floor)" after "800 ppm" at the end of the sentence

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

For Part 2b, add: "(measured at 1.2-1.8 m [4-6 ft] above the floor)" after "below 800 ppm" and add: "maximum" after "at"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 20 Mar, 2017

EN 13779, section A. 15. 2, Table A.10 may be used to comply with Feature 03, Part 2. Note, projects must adhere to Indoor Air Category IDA 1 or 2.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In Part 3a, change "After substantial completion and prior to occupancy, the HVAC system undergoes testing and balancing" to "After substantial completion and prior to occupancy, the HVAC system has (within the last 5 years), or is scheduled to, undergo testing and balancing."

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

CEN Standards EN 15251:2007 and EN 16798-3:2017 may be used in lieu of ASHRAE 62.1-2013 for Feature 03, Part 1. ​​​​
The requirements of CEN Standard EN 15251-2007 must be met AND the performance requirements of CEN Standard EN 16798-3:2017 related to ventilation and room conditioning systems must be met (excluding section 7.3, Thermal Environment; section 7.6, Acoustic Environment; section A.16; and section A.17).

Projects must meet Category I or II as described in the standards.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

AS 1668.2 may be used in lieu of ASHRAE 62.1 for Feature 3, Part 1: Ventilation Design. Note that all projects that wish to comply with AS 1668.2 must assume a minimum density of 16 m2 per person. Note that this equivalency may only be used for projects in Australia.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To ensure adequate ventilation and high indoor air quality.'

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

At the end of Part 1b, add "Quality Standards feature in the WELL Building Standard for at least 95% of all hours in the previous year."

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Under Part 2, after “For all spaces” insert the following: “46.5 m² [500 ft²] or larger”

Feature 73: Ventilation effectiveness

Type Description
Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 28 Mar, 2018

Singapore SS 553 (2016) CP Standard has not been accepted as an equivalent for ASHRAE 62.1-2013 of Feature 03. Note the building/occupancy types indicated in the Outdoor Air Supply Requirements (Table 1) is not sufficient to cover all buildings and space types for all projects in Singapore.

Feature 04: VOC reduction

Type Description
Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 11 Aug, 2020

The Nordic Swan criteria have been deemed acceptable for the requirements of Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 for Europe.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 11 Aug, 2020

The Swiss Eco-bau Eco-construction Methodology has been deemed acceptable for the requirements of Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for Europe.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 11 Aug, 2020

The Swiss Etiquette Environnementale criteria have been deemed acceptable for the requirements of Parts 1 and 2 for Europe.
Note that products must meet categories A or B of the Étiquette Environnementale criteria.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 15 Oct, 2019

The eco-INSTITUT method and thresholds for VOC emissions have been accepted as equivalents for the ANSI/BIFMA e3-2011 Standard sections 7.6.1 or 7.6.2, tested in accordance with ANSI/BIFMA Standard Method M7.1-2011 of Feature 4 Part 5.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 31 Jul, 2019

The VOC emissions of all newly installed interior thermal (excluding duct) and acoustic insulation (excluding duct insulation) meet all limits set by the following, as applicable:

Feature 4: VOC reduction

Type Description
Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 31 Jul, 2019

A 4 Ticks (Leader) certification rating by the Singapore Green Building Product (SGBP) certification scheme has been accepted as an equivalent for the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.1-2010 of Feature 4 Part 3.  

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

Projects may use custom-made furniture that contain composite wood panels not tested using the CDPH v. 1.1-2010 or ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-2011 standard methods, as long as the composite wood manufacturer is listed in the 'List of TPC-Exempt NAF/ULEF Manufacturers approved by CARB' (

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 26 Apr, 2019

STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® has not been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 4 Part 5.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Feb, 2019

The VOC emissions of all newly installed interior thermal (excluding duct) and acoustic insulation meet all limits set by the following, as applicable

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 24 Jan, 2019

The "Desirable Requirements" denomination in the Recommended Green Specifications published by the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department (HKEPD) has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 04 Parts 3, 4 and 5.
Note that the HKEPD thresholds for Formaldehyde and VOC are higher than WELL thresholds.
This Equivalency may only be used for projects in Hong Kong.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 13 Jun, 2018

Natureplus has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010 (or later) Feature 04 Part 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 07 Jun, 2018

For Part 5a, remove: "and". Add: "or"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

The Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) Paints and Coatings PCv2.2iii-2012 has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 04 Part 1.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

The Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) Adhesives, Fillers and Sealants (AFSv4.0i-2014) has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 04 Part 2a.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

Headspace GC/MS has not been accepted as an equivalent for the requirements of Feature 04 Part 4. The Headspace method does not test for all VOCs that are limited by CDPH v1.1 2010. Note that the Headspace GC/MS method does test for individual VOCs but does not test for as many VOCs as required by CDPH v1.1 2010, including formaldehyde.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

The Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) Building Insulation Materials (BIMv2.0-2017) has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 04 Part 4.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

The level© certification has been accepted as an alternative to the ANSI/BIFMA e3-2011 Furniture Sustainability Standard sections 7.6.1 and 7.6.2, tested in accordance with ANSI/BIFMA Standard Method M7.1-2011, requirements of Feature 04. Note that section 7.6 Low Emitting Furniture credits (7.6.1 and 7.6.2) from level© certification must be achieved.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

GreenGuard Gold has been accepted as an equivalent for California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.1-2010 of Feature 04 Part 3 (or later).

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

NEN-EN-ISO 17895 has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 04 Parts 1 and 2. Note that while NEN-EN-ISO 17895 is acceptable for determining VOC content, the products must adhere to the VOC limits set forth in CARB 2007, Suggested Control Measures (SCM) for Architectural Coatings, or South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1113 and Rule 1168.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 18 May, 2018

The IS:13745-1993 testing method has not been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010 (or later) of Feature 04 Part 5 for projects in India. E1 class (EN 13986:2004) is an accepted alternative for the requirements of Feature 04 Part 5 for furniture substrates, although only for products aligned with protocols accepted under EN 13986:2004 for Europe.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 26 Apr, 2018

The Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) Floor Coverings issued July 2017 has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 04, Part 3.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 12 Apr, 2018

Formaldehyde E1 class has been accepted as an alternative to the requirements of Feature 04, Part 5 for furniture substrates.
This Equivalency may only be used for projects in Europe.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 03 Apr, 2018

TÜV Rheinland LGA testing standard 2011 has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 04, Part 5. Note that this equivalency may only be used for workstation cabinetry for projects in Europe and Asia.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 03 Apr, 2018

CertiPUR has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 04, Part 5. Note this only applies to polyurethane foam used in bedding and upholstered furniture. This Equivalency does not cover any other furniture or furnishing components except for the polyurethane foam.
This Equivalency may only be used for projects in Europe.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 26 Mar, 2018

RAL-GZ-430 has not been accepted as an equivalent for the ANSI/BIFMA e3-2011 Furniture Sustainability Standard sections 7.6.1 and 7.6.2, of Feature 04, Part 5.
Note that RAL-GZ-430 does not identify a comparable requirement for TVOC and 4-Phenylcyclohexene emissions for workstations and seating. Additionally, for cupboard furniture and upholstered furniture, the formaldehyde emissions threshold indicated in RAL-GZ-430 is significantly higher than that mandated by CDPH.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 20 Mar, 2018

Blue Angel (Blauer Engel) is approved as an acceptable equivalent to the requirements of Feature 04, Part 5 for Europe.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 15 Mar, 2018

European Union Paints Directive 2004/42/EC has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 04, Part 1 for Europe. Please note that the European Union Paints Directive 2004/42/EC is the compliant performance standard for paints and varnishes listed within BREEAM UK New Construction: Hea 02 Indoor Air Quality.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 15 Mar, 2018

EU Ecolabel for Paints and Varnishes (2014) has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010 (or later) of Feature 04 Part 1 for Europe.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 15 Mar, 2018

EU Ecolabel for wooden floor coverings (2010 version) has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010 (or later) of Feature 04 Part 3 for Europe.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 15 Mar, 2018

Formaldehyde E1 class has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010 (or later) Feature 04 Part 3 for Europe.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part description, add: "interior" after "newly applied"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part description, add: "interior" after "newly installed"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part description, remove: "inside the waterproofing membrane". Add: "interior" after "newly installed"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

TÜV Rheinland Green Product Mark Furniture criteria, 2PfG E1992, has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 4 Part 5.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part description, add: "interior" after "newly purchased"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

The GB 18580-2001 Indoor Decorating and Refurbishing Materials - Limit of Formaldehyde Emission of Wood-based Panels and Finishing Products has not been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 4 Part 3, 4 and 5. Note the proposed testing method standard does not include methods for testing VOCs other than formaldehyde.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 05 Jan, 2018

REACH Standard No 1907/2006 has not been accepted as an equivalency to the requirements set in Feature 04 Part 4. Note that the Equivalency Proposal outlines a strategy for the elimination of hazardous substances through the use of REACH lists, but not an equivalency to requirements set in CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010 (or later).

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 21 Dec, 2017

US EPA Method 24 has been accepted as an alternative to the requirements of Feature 04 VOC Reduction, Part 2. Please note that the products must have VOC content below the allowable limits established in SCAQMD as outlined in Part 2a. This equivalency may be used only in India.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 02 Nov, 2017

GEV-EMICODE EC1 and EC1Plus is approved as an acceptable equivalent to the requirements of Feature 4 VOC Reduction Part 1, 2, 3 and 4 for Europe.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 02 Nov, 2017

M1 (ISO 16000) is approved as an acceptable equivalent to the requirements of Feature 4 VOC Reduction Part 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 02 Nov, 2017

M1 (EN-717-1:2004) is approved as an acceptable equivalent to the requirements of Feature 4 VOC Reduction Part 5.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 02 Nov, 2017

CRI Green Label Plus is approved as an acceptable equivalent to the requirements specified in the CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010 (or later) for Feature 4 Part 2 and 3.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 02 Nov, 2017

Blue Angel is approved as an acceptable equivalent to the requirements of Feature 4 VOC Reduction Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 for Europe.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 02 Nov, 2017

AgBB is approved as an acceptable equivalent to the requirements of Feature 4 VOC Reduction Part 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for Europe.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 02 Nov, 2017

OEKO-TEX is approved as an acceptable equivalent to the requirements of Feature 4 Part 4.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Oct, 2017

The REACH standard has not been accepted as an equivalent to the CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010 (or later) guidelines for Feature 04 Part 5. Note that the VOC limit thresholds specified in CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010 (or later) guidelines must be met. The VOC limit thresholds for Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) listed in REACH are not acceptable.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 05 Oct, 2017

Conformance to the ANSI/BIFMA e3 standard by an accredited third-party product certification body is an acceptable alternative for the requirements for Feature 4, Part 5.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 05 Oct, 2017

EN 13964:2014 emission testing method has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 4, Part 4 for suspended ceilings. Ceilings with heating or cooling properties and walls must meet limits set by the California Department of Public Health Standard Method v1.1-2010 (or later). Formaldehyde emission should be measured in accordance with EN 717-1:2004.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 04 Oct, 2017

SGS TVOC laboratory testing method has been accepted as an alternative equivalent to Feature 04 Part 4. Note, projects must adhere to the minimum VOC limit requirements of the CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010 (or later) for VOC emissions. This equivalency may only be used for projects in India.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 02 Oct, 2017

Global GreenTag has been approved as an acceptable equivalent to the requirements for Feature 04 Part 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 21 Sep, 2017

The Australian Carpet Classification Scheme (ACCS) has been accepted as an equivalent for CDPH Standard Method v1.1 of Feature 4 Part 1.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 18 Sep, 2017

IS and IS are acceptable equivalent testing method standards in order to measure in accordance with the VOC content threshold limits specified in SCAQMD Rule 1168 for Part 2a.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Sep, 2017

IS and IS are acceptable equivalent testing method standards in order to measure in accordance with the VOC content threshold limits specified in SCAQMD Rule 1113 for Part 1a.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 21 Aug, 2017

Indoor Air Comfort has not been accepted as an alternative for meeting the requirements of Feature 04 Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

MAS Certified Green® has been accepted for Feature 04 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

The GUT carpet standard has been accepted for Feature 04 Part 3.

Note that products are subject to these thresholds:
Termination criteria 3 days after loading: 250 µg/m³ TVOC, 10 µg/m³ Formaldehyde.
Desired values 28 days after loading: 100 µg/m³ TVOC, 4 µg/m³ Formaldehyde.
This equivalency may only be used for projects in Europe.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

VOC ETL class 2 and 3, VOC+ ETL Environmental and Formaldehyde-Free, has been accepted for Feature 04 Part 5.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

For Part 2a, add: "for VOC content", after "South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1168"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Jul, 2017

eco-INSTITUT-Label (2015 version) has been deemed acceptable for Feature 04 Part 1, 2, 3 and 4 for Europe.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 07 Jul, 2017

Indoor Air Comfort Gold has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 04 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "July 1, 2005 for VOC content". Add: "Volatile organic compound (VOC) limits correspond to an effective date of July 1, 2005 and rule amendment date of January 7, 2005."

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Previously published as an AAP:
Field and Laboratory Emission Cell (FLEC) emissions testing is approved as an emissions testing methodology only for furniture and furnishings that are made up of a uniform material and have flat testing surfaces on which the FLEC emissions testing methodology may be applied. For example, flat surfaced cabinetry that is made up of a uniform material may be tested using this methodology. However, chairs that are made from a variety of materials that lack flat surfaces may not be tested using this methodology. The emissions test must be administered by a third party investigator with no affiliation with the project. The associated costs are the responsibility of the project team. Additional tests performed in accordance with ISO 16000 methodology must be performed for total aldehydes and 4-Phenylcyclohexane and must meet the thresholds specified in the WELL Building Standard.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

The Finnish M1 Label for non-upholstered furniture has been accepted as an equivalent for the ANSI/BIFMA e3-2011 Standard and M7.1-2011 Method of Part 5 for Europe

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "b. For furnishings, California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.1-2010."

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Previously published as an AAP:
Products and materials that have an A or A+ class rating under the French legislation on VOC emissions meet the requirements of Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

The Blue Angel Label for upholstered furniture has been accepted as an equivalent for the ANSI/BIFMA e3-2011 Standard and M7.1-2011 Method of Part 5 for Europe.