WELL Addenda


Review the complete list of addenda changes made to the WELL Building Standard.

Feature 36: Water treatment

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

In Part 2a, remove "Filter rated to remove suspended solids." And replace with "Filter rated to remove suspended solids with pore size 1.5 µm or less."

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

In Part 3b, remove "NSF filter rated to remove" and replace with "Filter rated by the NSF to remove"

Feature 37: Drinking water promotion

Type Description
Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

For regularly occupied spaces that are not within 30 meters (100 feet) of a drinking water station, pitchers of filtered water and glasses may be provided that are monitored and refilled through the day. The Operations Schedule for the project must include information regarding the provision (location and quantities) of water and the monitoring and refilling of pitchers if this strategy is used.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To promote the consumption of water by making high quality drinking water easily accessible to occupants.'

Feature 38: Fruits and vegetables

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

For Part 1b, add: "(containing no added sugar)" after "...options are fruits"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "If solid foods are sold or distributed" before "on a daily basis". Add: "If foods are sold or provided"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "Salad bar or a similar salad-providing section which is positioned away from the walls, allowing 360° access". Add: "Salad bar or similar salad-providing section, positioned in a visible and accessible location"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables by making fruits and vegetables easily accessible to occupants.'

Feature 39: Processed foods

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 31 Jul, 2019

All foods, and beverages, snacks and meals sold or provided on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner, including in vending machines, meet the following conditions:

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 31 Jul, 2019

All foods, and beverages, snacks and meals sold or provided on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner, including in vending machines, do not contain:

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

Retail projects may achieve Feature 39, Part 1 by using strategic placement, education and advertising to direct customers toward healthier choices in place of refined ingredient restrictions on available products. Photographic verification of product placement and/or display as well as signage (educational or advertising) is required during performance review.
In addition to original documentation requirements, projects must submit a professional narrative describing how the project uses strategic placement and educational signage and/or advertising throughout the space to promote whole grains and limit sugars and trans fats.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

In at least 50% of food offerings where a grain flour is the primary ingredient by weightgrain-based foods, a whole grain must be is the primary first ingredient.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Nov, 2018

For Part 6b, remove: "food and snack items offered". Add: "foods"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Nov, 2018

For Part 6c, remove: "In any foods that contain a grain flour, whole grain is the primary ingredient by weight". Add: "In at least 50% of food offerings where a grain flour is the primary ingredient by weight, a whole grain must be the primary ingredient"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Nov, 2018

For Part 6e, remove: "No individually sold, single-serving, non-beverage food item contains more than 30 g of sugar". Add: "No non-beverage food item contains more than 30 g of sugar per serving"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 07 Jun, 2018

For Part 4b, remove: "elementary and up to 360 mL [12 oz] portions for middle school students". Add: "early education and up to 360 mL [12 oz] portions for primary school students"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part title, remove: "High School". Add: "Secondary School"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part description, remove: "high school students". Add: "secondary school students"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part title, remove: "Elementary and Middle School". Add: "Early Education and Primary School"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part description, remove: "elementary and middle school students". Add: "early education and primary school students"

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

For projects that have an existing food and beverage contract in place and are not able to comply with the requirements of Part 1 or Part 2, the following requirements are met:
1) Occupants are educated about the impact of highly processed ingredients and foods through permanent signage displayed on-site or at point-of-decision
2) Foods that have more than 30 g of sugar per serving and beverages that have more than 30 g of sugar per container have prominent labels at point-of-decision to indicate sugar content.

Project teams that seek to use this strategy must submit evidence of an existing contractual agreement and are subject to an on-site visual inspection by the WELL Performance Testing Agent.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "No beverage with more than 30 grams of sugar per container is sold or distributed through catering services, vending machines, or pantries. Bulk containers of 1.9 L (2 quart) or larger are exempt from this requirement". Add: "Beverages do not contain more than 30 g of sugar per container. Bulk containers of 1.9 L (2 quart) or larger are exempt from this requirement"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "In beverage vending machines and on food service menus, at least 50% of slots or listings are products that have 15 g of sugar or less per 240 mL [8 oz] serving". Add: "At least 50% of beverages have 1 g of sugar or less per 16 mL [1.87 g of sugar or less per 1 oz]"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "No individually sold, single-serving, non-beverage food item contains more than 30 g of sugar". Add: "No non-beverage food item contains more than 30 g of sugar per serving"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "In any foods" before "where a grain flour". Add: "In 50% of food offerings"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "All foods, beverages, snacks and meals sold or distributed on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner do not contain". Add: "All foods, beverages, snacks and meals sold or provided on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner, including in vending machines, do not contain"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "All foods, beverages, snacks and meals sold or distributed on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner meet the following conditions". Add: "All foods, beverages, snacks and meals sold or provided on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner, including in vending machines, meet the following conditions"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To help occupants avoid highly-processed ingredients and foods.'

Feature 40: Food allergies

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 31 Jul, 2019

All foods and beverages sold or provided on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner are clearly labeled on packaging, menus, signage, or electronic media to indicate if they contain the following allergens:

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 31 Jul, 2019

Projects may achieve Feature 40, Part 1 by creating and implementing a system to label food allergens to indicate the presence of food allergens in foods and beverages. The labeling system must include, at minimum, the food allergens listed in Feature 40 Part 1. Signage explaining how the labeling system operates is prominently displayed at point-of-decision and the complete list of allergens found in foods and beverages is available upon request. Signage is subject to a spot check during performance review.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Feb, 2019

Post Date: 15 Aug, 2018
Status: Approved
For Feature 40 Part 1, in lieu of allergen labelling, projects may have food allergen experts on their staff. All kitchen, cafeteria, or similar staff should have the option to participate in allergen training at no cost and at least one trained staff member must be present at all shifts. In addition, point-of-decision signage must be present to prompt individuals to report any potential allergies to staff. As part of the Documentation Review, projects should provide an example certificate of completion for staff members who have completed the food allergy training. Signage is subject to a spot check during performance review.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Nov, 2018

In 24 Oct, 2016 EP, remove: "these Features" after "…applicable documentation to comply with". Add: "this Feature"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Nov, 2018

In 24 Oct, 2016 EP, add: "Freshly prepared food also needs to comply with the labelling requirements." after "…Performance Verification to verify compliance."

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 15 Aug, 2018

For Feature 40 Part 1, in lieu of allergen labelling, projects may have food allergen experts on their staff. All kitchen, cafeteria, or similar staff should have the option to participate in allergen training at no cost and at least one trained staff member must be present at all shifts. In addition, point-of-decision signage must be present to prompt individuals to report any potential allergies to staff. As part of the Documentation Review, projects should provide an example certificate of completion for staff members who have completed the food allergy training. Signage is subject to a spot check during performance review.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 06 May, 2018

The Japanese Allergen Labelling regulations (Cabinet Office Ordinance No. 45, 2011; Cabinet Office Ordinance No. 46 of 2011; and Notification No. 71 of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2001) may be used to comply with the requirements of Feature 40. Please note that projects must label, at minimum, the mandatory allergens for all foods and beverages (packaged and non-packaged). Projects must still submit all applicable documentation to comply with this Feature and will also be subject to a spot check during the Performance Verification to verify compliance.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

For Part 1i, remove: "Gluten, in compliance with the definitions and restrictions set forth by the FDA in 21 C.F.R. § 101.91". Add: "Gluten"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 21 Aug, 2017

The definition of gluten by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India's (FSSAI) 'Standards for gluten free food and low gluten food and their labelling requirements' may be used.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "All food sold or distributed on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner are clearly labeled to indicate if they contain the following allergens". Add: "All foods sold or provided on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner are clearly labeled on packaging, menus, signage, or electronic media to indicate if they contain the following allergens"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "consumption of or contact with" after "to help occupants avoid"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

The Hong Kong Food and Drugs Composition and Labeling Regulations are accepted as an alternative to the requirements of Feature 40. The project will need to label all foods (rather than only cereals) that contain gluten in order to comply with WELL. Note that projects must still submit all applicable documentation to comply with this Feature, and will also be subject to a spot check or visual inspection during the Performance Verification to verify compliance.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

The EU Regulation No 1169/2011 is an acceptable alternative to the requirements of Feature 40. Note that projects must still submit all applicable documentation to comply with this Feature, and will also be subject to a spot check or visual inspection during the Performance Verification to verify compliance. Freshly prepared food also needs to comply with the labelling requirements.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To help occupants avoid potential food allergens.'

Feature 41: Hand washing

Type Description
Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 31 Jul, 2019

Projects may use contactless soap dispensers so long as the soap container is both detachable and refillable and the following conditions are met:
1. Soap containers are kept closed during storage and operation.
2. Soap containers are cleaned out and dried before refilling.
Projects using this AAP must submit an operations schedule that includes the cleaning protocol.
This AAP is not available to health care projects.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

Projects unable to replace existing sinks with those meeting height and area requirements of Feature 41, Part 3 may retain the existing fixtures and meet the intent of the feature if the following conditions are met:
- Existing sinks meet local health and accessibility codes.
- Existing sinks cannot be replaced due to financial constraints
- Existing sinks that do not comply with the requirements of Feature 41, Part 3 are cleaned at least once a day.

In lieu of original documentation requirements, projects must submit a narrative describing significant hardship, such as financial and/or schedule implications, for renovating the non-compliant sinks to meet the requirements of Feature 41 Part 3.
Additionally, a copy of the cleaning protocol should be submitted which identifies the non-compliant sinks within the project boundary.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

Projects may achieve Feature 41, Part 1 by using cotton towels of the roll type in place of disposable paper towels at all sink locations. These towels must be changed at least once a week and washed before reuse. This AAP cannot be used in healthcare facilities.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 02 Jan, 2019

Projects may use hand soaps containing fragrance to meet Feature 41 Part 1 under the following conditions:
(1) The project provides a manufacturer’s declaration letter confirming that neither major allergen nor antimicrobial agents were used in the liquid soap.
(2) The project presents evidence that no allergens are detected in the hand soap through independent verification, performed by following the IFRA Allergen Procedure (Version 3 - Sep, 2007)(GC-MS & LC-MS-MS) or the NATRUE certification.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 02 Jan, 2019

Hand dryers equipped with HEPA-compliant filters may be used in lieu of paper towels for hand drying in non-healthcare WELL projects to meet Feature 41 Part 1. Cleaning, maintenance and filter replacement should be scheduled as set by manufacturer’s recommendations. Documentation of such activities must be maintained.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 15 Aug, 2018

As an alternative to Feature 41 Part 3, projects with existing sinks that are not undergoing renovation may be allowed a 1 inch flexibility range in meeting the sink column of water dimensions. Projects must commit to purchasing compliant sinks during next renovation or upgrade.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

The Global GreenTag Standard v4.0 and PhD Methodology are not accepted as alternatives for the requirements of Feature 41 Part 1 because the requirements of GreenTag do not match those of these WELL features.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

Add: " One of" before "the following"
Add: "b. Bar soap with a soap rack that allows for drainage"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "Since liquid soap in bulk refillable dispensers is prone to bacterial contamination, utilizing sealed liquid soap cartridges reduces the possibility for bacterial contamination and significantly reduces bacteria on hands whereas contaminated refillable dispensers increase bacteria on hands after handwashing. Handwashing sinks should also provide sufficient room for washing one’s hands without touching the sink sides, to prevent possible recontamination." after "than using air dryers."

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "Fragrance-free non-antibacterial soap" Add: "Fragrance-free hand soap in accordance with the Cleaning, Disinfection and Hand Hygiene Product section in Table A4 in Appendix C"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: ", at a minimum," after "provided"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "The" before "sink column"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To reduce pathogen transmission by providing accessible and sanitary hand washing facilities.'

Feature 42: Food contamination

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: ", fish, or poultry" after "raw meat"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "raw foods (uncooked meat, fish and poultry)". Add: "raw meat, fish and poultry"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To minimize occupant exposure to food-borne pathogens by providing safe food storage.'

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add Owner Letter of Assurance as required documentation, remove Architect Letter of Assurance.

Feature 43: Artificial ingredients

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 31 Jul, 2019

All foods and beverages sold or provided on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner are clearly labeled on packaging, nearby menus or signage to indicate if they contain the following:

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

Projects may achieve Feature 43, Part 1 by using a food labeling system that clearly identifies whether or not products contain artificial ingredients. The labeling system must include, at minimum, the artificial ingredients listed in Feature 43 Part 1. Signage explaining how the labeling system operates is prominently displayed at point-of-decision and the complete list of artificial ingredients found in foods provided on-site is available upon request. Signage is subject to a spot check during performance review.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Nov, 2018

In 26 Jul 2017 EP, remove: "these Features" after "…applicable documentation to comply with". Add: "this Feature"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Nov, 2018

In 26 Jul, 2017 EP, add: "Freshly prepared food also needs to comply with the labelling requirements." after "…Performance Verification to verify compliance."

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

The EU Regulation No 1169/2011 may be used to comply with the requirements of Feature 43 regarding labeling for artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners. Note that projects must still submit all applicable documentation to comply with this Feature, and will also be subject to a spot check or visual inspection during the Performance Verification to verify compliance. Freshly prepared food also needs to comply with the labelling requirements.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "All food sold or distributed on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner are labeled to indicate if they contain the following". Add: "All foods sold or provided on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner are clearly labeled on packaging, nearby menus or signage to indicate if they contain the following"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

The Hong Kong Food and Drugs Composition and Labeling Regulations may be used to partially comply with requirements of Feature 43. The project must label monosodium glutamate (MSG), hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), (rather than only listing ingredients as flavors or preservatives), in order to comply with WELL. Note that projects must still submit all applicable documentation to comply with these Features, and will also be subject to a spot check or visual inspection during the Performance Verification to verify compliance.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

The China Standards ‘General Rules for Pre-packaged Food Labeling’ (GB7718--2011) and ‘Standard for the Use of Food Additives’ (GB2760-2014) have been approved as acceptable alternatives for F43.
Note that projects must provide signage that clearly indicates: "The following additives have not been evaluated - brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, monosodium glutamate (MSG), hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP), and sulfite.”

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To help occupants avoid artificial colors, sweeteners and preservatives in food.'

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

For projects located in India, the requirements for Feature 43 may be met by providing labeling for all high-shelf life packaged foods in addition to freshly prepared food items offered on-site. Foods must be labeled with the additives outlined by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). Up to 30% of the low-shelf life packages goods prepared off site may be exempted from artificial substance labeling, but must include clear signage that they have not been evaluated for artificial ingredients or food additives. The latest version of the FSSAI regulation must be made available to building users upon request.

Feature 44: Artificial ingredients

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Nov, 2018

In 24 Oct, 2016 EP, remove: "these Features" after "…applicable documentation to comply with". Add: "this Feature"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 Nov, 2018

In 24 Oct, 2016 EP, add: "Freshly prepared food also needs to comply with the labelling requirements." after "…Performance Verification to verify compliance."

Feature 44: Nutritional information

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 30 Oct, 2019

Macronutrient content (total protein, total fat and total carbohydrate) in weight and/or as a percent of the estimated daily requirements (daily values).

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

Projects may achieve Feature 44, Part 1 by displaying nutritional information for non-packaged foods and beverages on a list of primary ingredients which is clearly displayed (per meal or item) at point-of-decision on packaging, menus or signage. If information is displayed on a digital resource, signage is present at point-of-decision to direct individuals to the digital resource. Signage is subject to a spot check during performance review.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Oct, 2018

The Nutrition Labeling Standard under the Health Promotion Act issued by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 44, Part 1 for Japan. Note that projects must still submit all applicable documentation to comply with these Features and will also be subject to a spot check or visual inspection during the Performance Verification to verify compliance. Projects must label the nutritional information outlined in the Nutrition Labeling Standard under the Health Promotion Act for all non-packaged and packaged foods.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 15 Aug, 2018

In 26 Jul, 2017 AAP, remove: "Project teams which seek to use this strategy must have their prompts and ranking system approved by the WELL Performance Testing Agent​​​". Add: "The ranking system will be verified by the WELL Reviewer at the documentation review"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 05 Jul, 2018

The Food Standards Code Australia and New Zealand may be used to comply with the requirements of Feature 44 Part 1. Note that projects must still submit all applicable documentation to comply with these Features, and will also be subject to a spot check or visual inspection during the Performance Verification to verify compliance.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 30 May, 2018

The Hong Kong Food and Drugs Composition and Labeling Regulations are accepted as an alternative to the requirements of Feature 44. Note that projects must still submit all applicable documentation to comply with these Features, and will also be subject to a spot check or visual inspection during the Performance Verification to verify compliance.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 21 Aug, 2017

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India's (FSSAI) 'Food Safety and standards (Packaging and Labelling) regulation, 2011' may be used to comply with the requirements of Feature 44 Part 1. Projects must still submit all applicable documentation to comply with this feature, and will also be subject to a spot check or visual inspection during the Performance Verification to verify compliance.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

Remove: "c. Micronutrient content (vitamins A and C, calcium and iron) in weight or international units (IU) and/or as a percent of the estimated daily requirements (daily values)" . Remove: "d. ...content" , Add: "c. ...content"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "For foods and beverages sold or distributed on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner, the following are displayed (per meal or item) on packaging, menus or signage". Add: "For foods and beverages sold or provided on a daily basis on the premises by (or under contract with) the project owner, the following are displayed (per meal or item) on packaging, menus or signage"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

Under 1b, the reference to the FDA is now removed. 1b now reads "Macronutrient (total protein, total fat and total carbohydrate) in weight and as a percent of estimated daily requirements (Daily Values)."

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

The EU Regulation No 1169/2011 is an acceptable alternative to the requirements of Feature 44. Note that projects must still submit all applicable documentation to comply with this Feature, and will also be subject to a spot check or visual inspection during the Performance Verification to verify compliance. Freshly prepared food also needs to comply with the labelling requirements.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To help occupants make informed food consumption choices.'

Feature 43: Nutritional information

Type Description
Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

For projects that prepare foods on site from raw ingredients, which are not able to comply with the requirements of Part 1, the project may offer point-of-decision prompts in lieu of labeling. The prompts must be based on a ranking system that encourages the consumption of nutritionally-dense foods. Food prompts must be clearly displayed and must be used in conjunction with a food advertising and/or messaging campaign​ that allows individuals to quickly and easily identify nutritious foods and beverages​. An explanation of the ranking system must be made available to all occupants.

The ranking system will be verified by the WELL Reviewer at the documentation review.​ All strategies should comply with best practices and/or dietary guidelines and be supported by existing scientific, medical, or industry research.​ Please note that all foods offered will still need to comply with Feature 39 Processed foods.

Feature 45: Food advertising

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 07 Jun, 2018

In part description, remove: "a total of". Add: "different" after "...at least 3"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part description, add: "per project" after "instances of messaging"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

In part heading, Remove: "intended to achieve each of the following requirements". Add "intended to achieve either or both of the following requirements"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: ", beverages and snacks". Add: "and beverages"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To promote healthy food consumption choices.'

Feature 46: Safe food preparation materials

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

e. Solid (non-laminated) wood that is untreated or treated with food-grade mineral or linseed oil.
f. Bamboo.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

Add existing citation 75 to new requirement f.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 07 Jun, 2018

For Part 3, remove: "No serving or food storage containers or plates is". Add: "No serving containers or plates are"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To reduce occupant exposure to harmful contaminants that may originate from food preparation materials and eliminate surfaces that harbor pathogens.'

Feature 47: Serving sizes

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

In part description, remove: "Where" before "food...". Add: "If"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

In part description, add: "," after "project owner" and after "self-serve"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

Under intent, add: "and encourage portion control", after "overconsumption"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

For Part 1a, remove "calories" after "650". Add: "kcal [650 Cal]".

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "452 cm² [70 in²]". Add: "507 cm² [79 in²]"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "296 mL [10 oz]". Add: "473 mL [16 oz]"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "240 mL [8 oz]". Add "473 mL [16 oz]"