WELL Addenda


Review the complete list of addenda changes made to the WELL Building Standard.

Feature 56: Solar glare control

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 2b, change “External shading systems that are controllable by the occupants or set on a timer.” To “External shading systems that are set to automatically prevent glare.”

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Change “At least one of the following is present for all glazing less than 2.1m [7 ft] above the floor:” to “At least one of the following is present for all glazing less than 2.1m [7 ft] above the floor in regularly occupied spaces:”

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 1a, change “Interior window shading or blinds that are controllable by the occupants or set on a timer” to “Interior window shading or blinds that are controllable by the occupants or set to automatically prevent glare.”

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 1b, change “External shading systems that are controllable by the occupants or set on a timer” to “External shading systems that are set to automatically prevent glare”

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Change “At least one of the following is required for all glazing greater than 2.1 m (7 ft) above the floor:” to “At least one of the following is required for all glazing greater than 2.1 m (7 ft) above the floor in regularly occupied spaces:”

Feature 57: Low-glare workstation design

Type Description
Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To minimize visual discomfort by situating computer monitors in a way that avoids glare and luminance contrast.'

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Monitors with adjustable monitor arms that allow the occupant to move the computer screens to face within a 20 degree perpendicular to the plane of the nearest window may be used to meet the requirements of Part 1a (Glare Avoidance).

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Inquiry: Can “free address” workstations, allowing occupants to change workstations to avoid glare, be used to meet the feature requirements?

Ruling: No, free address workstations may not be used to meet the feature requirements.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

In Part 1a, change the first part of the first sentence from “To minimize glare cause by incoming sunlight, all computer screens for at desks” to "To minimize glare caused by incoming sunlight, all computer screens at desks"

Feature 58: Color quality

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

To accurately portray colors in the space and enhance occupant comfort, all electric lights in occupiable spaces (except decorative fixtures, emergency lights and other special-purpose lighting) meet the following conditions:

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 07 Jun, 2018

In 20 Oct, 2017 AAP, remove: "regularly occupied". Add: "all other"

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

In transient areas, light sources with CRI of 80 and R9 of 15 may be used. Light sources used in regularly occupied areas must meet the requirements of Feature 58 as written.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To enhance spatial aesthetics and color differentiation through the use of lamps with quality color rendering abilities.'

Feature 59: Surface design

Type Description
Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

Multi-Family Residential projects may achieve Feature 59 Part 2 and 3 by providing multi-level dimmable lighting for all ambient lighting in bedrooms and living areas. In addition, shades must be provided in both the bedroom and living areas, as follows:
1. Bedrooms must have blackout shades.
2. Living areas must have adjustable shading devices (e.g., Venetian blinds) to accommodate multiple types of activies.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

For Part 1b, remove: "Walls". Add: "Vertical surfaces"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To increase overall room brightness through reflected light from room surfaces and avoiding glare.'

Feature 60: Automated shading and dimming controls

Type Description
Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To prevent glare and encourage reliance on natural light through automated shading and dimming.'

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 1a, change “Shading devices that automatically engage when light sensors indicate that sunlight could contribute to glare at workstations” to “Shading devices that automatically engage when light sensors indicate that sunlight could contribute to glare at workstations and other seating areas.”

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add MEP Letters of Assurance as required documentation, remove Architect Letters of Assurance.

Feature 61: Right to light

Type Description
Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To promote exposure to daylight and views of varying distances by limiting the distance workstations can be from a window or atrium.'

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Inquiry: Can a daylighting analysis confirming that at least 90% of regularly occupied spaces have sufficient daylight illumination levels (at least 30 footcandles) and that 100% of spaces have access to quality outdoor views be used to meet the feature requirements?

Ruling: No, a daylighting simulation combined with access to quality views may not be utilized to meet the feature requirements. The intent of Feature 61 is to include proximity to windows, outdoor views, and daylight in indoor spaces.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 2a, change “75% of all desks or regularly occupied seats…” to “75% of all workstations…”

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 2b, change “95% of all desks or regularly occupied seats…” to “95% of all workstations…”

Feature 62: Daylight modeling

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

Spatial daylight autonomy (sDA300,50%) is achieved for at least 55% of regularly occupied space. In other words, at least 55% of the space receives at least 300 lux [28 fc] of sunlight daylight for at least 50% of operating hours each year.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 15 Aug, 2018

Projects may meet the requirements of Feature 62 Part 1b by using the results of daylight modeling to identify and install shading systems to allow the appropriate amount of light into the space. Note that the daylight modeling report submitted must take into account the shades to calculate the light levels in the space during the course of the day.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 07 Jun, 2018

In 24 Oct, 2016 AAP, add: "(Option 2 or Option 3)" after "Daylight Credit"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 07 Jun, 2018

In 24 Oct, 2016 AAP, add: ", at least" before "2 points"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 07 Jun, 2018

In 24 Oct, 2016 AAP, add: "for Option 2 or 75% for Option 3" after "90%"

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

As an alternative to a lighting simulation to determine the sDA of the space, project teams may use the LEED v4 BD+C EQ Daylight Credit (Option 2 or Option 3) requirements to fulfill the requirement. The provided lighting analysis document must be updated to demonstrate that 90% for Option 2 or 75% for Option 3 of the regularly occupied floor area meets the requirements (i.e., at least 2 points under LEED v4 BD+C EQ Daylight credit).

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
Intent: 'To support circadian and psychological health by setting thresholds for indoor sunlight exposure.'

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Inquiry: Can an automatic shading system that draws shades when sensors indicate that daylight can contribute to glare at workstations be used in lieu of meeting the feature requirements?

Ruling: No, the installation of automated shading devices alone does not meet the feature requirements, as this feature requires demonstration that as a result of the overall lighting design, the project is able to achieve the proper amount of daylighting.

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add annotated modeling report as required documentation, remove annotated architectural drawing.

Feature 63: Daylight modeling

Type Description
Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

To meet Feature 62 Part 1, Daylight Modeling, complete the following:
-Meet Feature 56- Solar Glare control
-Achieve sDA300/50% for at least 55% of area, basing calculations on daylight hours (instead of regularly occupied hours) as outlined in CEN 17037:2018, Annex A

Feature 63: Daylighting fenestration

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

For Part 2a, add: "(excluding skylights)" after "All glazing..."

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

For Part 1b, remove: "(Daylight Glass)", after "above the floor"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

For Part 2a, remove: "(Daylight Glass)", after "from the floor"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

For Part 2b, remove: "(Vision Glass)" after "from the floor"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To optimize occupant exposure to daylight and limit glare through optimizing fenestration parameters.'

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Change “The following conditions are met:” to “The following conditions are met on façades along regularly occupied spaces:”

Feature 64: Interior fitness circulation

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 01 May, 2019

Stair width set at a minimum of 1.4 m [56 in] between handrails, or the maximum width allowable by local code.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 07 Jun, 2018

For Part 2a and Part 2b, remove: "building's main entrance". Add: "main project entrance"

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

Projects with more than one staircase that meets the requirements of Part 1 and Part 3 of this feature may use a staircase less than 1.4 m wide to comply with Part 2c.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part description, remove: "the stair" after "throughout"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

For Part 3e, remove: "the stairs are" after "when"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

For Part 2c, remove: "maximum" after ", or the". Add: "width"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

Add: "throughout the stair:" after "...by incorporating at least 2 of the following"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017


Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "throughout the space" before "Wayfinding signage"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017


Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "entrance to the building or the edge of its lobby". Add: "building's main entrance, main entry check-point (e.g., welcome/reception desk), the edge of its main lobby, or edge of its main welcome area."

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "Clearly visible from the main entrance to the project, or located visually before any elevators present upon entering from the main entrance". Add: "Clearly visible from the building’s main entrance, main entry check-point (e.g., welcome/reception desk), the edge of its main lobby, or edge of its main welcome area, or are located visually before any elevators present upon entering from the main entrance"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: ", or the maximum allowable by local code" after "between handrails"

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Projects that have significantly progressed through or have completed development, design, and/or planning processes may be exempt from Part 2 and may still achieve credit for this feature if achieving Parts 1 and 3. Projects pursuing this AAP are required to submit documentation that demonstrates significant hardship, such as financial or scheduling implications, in order to be exempt from Part 2.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: ", including, decorative painting" after "Artwork"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "f. Biophilic elements"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

Change the first line of Part 1 from "The following requirements are met for at least one common staircase:" to "In projects of 2 to 4 floors, at least one common staircase meets the following requirements:"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

Change the first line of Part 3 from "Both common stairs and paths of frequent travel display elements of aesthetic appeal in incorporating at least 2 of the following:" to "In projects of 2 to 4 floors, common stairs, entryways and corridors display elements of aesthetic appeal by incorporating at least 2 of the following:"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To encourage intermittent bouts of physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior through accessible, safe, and visually appealing stairs, entryways, and corridors.'

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Staircases located in residential units may be exempt from meeting the requirements of Part 2c (stair width set at a minimum of 1.4m [56 in] between handrails).

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Change “The following requirements are met:” to “The following requirements are met for at least one common staircase:”

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Change “In projects of 2 to 4 floors, at least one staircase meets the following requirements:” to “In projects of 2 to 4 floors, at least one common staircase meets the following requirements:”

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Change “Both stairs and paths of frequent travel…” to “Both common stairs and paths of frequent travel…”

Feature 65: Activity incentive programs

Type Description
Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 01 Nov, 2018

As one of the two required incentives for this feature, projects may use on-site bike pool that meets the following requirement:
a. Bicycles are present in sufficient quantity such that 5% of the project population could reserve or use a bicycle at any time, or it is demonstrated that the number of bicycles provided exceeds demand by at least 20%.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part description, remove: "elementary and middle schools". Add: "early education and primary schools"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

For AAP with post date 27 Apr 2017, after "Comprehensive corporate wellness programs...engagement or active commuting", remove:
"Existing (Removed):
As an alternative to one of the activity incentives provided under Feature 65, Part 1: Activity Incentive Programs, projects may create company sponsored sports teams, provided the sports teams are selected by the employees and ensure there is capacity to accommodate all employees who elect to participate.
Note that a second activity incentive program must be implemented in order to demonstrate achievement of Feature 65."

Add: "Updated from AAP with post date 1 Jul, 2016"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

For AAP with post date 27 Apr, 2017, after "Incentives for employees...with Feature 65", remove:
"Existing (Removed):
Incentives of a $200 amount provided to employees for demonstration of independent regular exercise, healthy eating habits, biometric screenings or other independent activities to promote a healthy lifestyle may be used as one of the two required compliance strategies for Feature 65."

Add: "Updated from AAP with post date 24 Oct, 2016."

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

For AAP with post date 27 Apr 2017, after "Comprehensive corporate wellness programs...engagement or active commuting", remove:
"Existing (Removed):
As an alternative to one of the activity incentives provided under Feature 65, Part 1: Activity Incentive Programs, projects may create company sponsored sports teams, provided the sports teams are selected by the employees and ensure there is capacity to accommodate all employees who elect to participate. Note that a second activity incentive program must be implemented in order to demonstrate achievement of Feature 65."

Add: "Updated from AAP with post date 1 Jul, 2016"

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Incentives for employees who demonstrate regular, independent exercise/physical activity engagement, healthy eating habits, or other independent activities to promote a healthy lifestyle may be used to comply with Feature 65.

Existing (Removed):
Incentives of a $200 amount provided to employees for demonstration of independent regular exercise, healthy eating habits, biometric screenings or other independent activities to promote a healthy lifestyle may be used as one of the two required compliance strategies for Feature 65.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "Incentives that encourage greater levels of physical activity through reimbursement of gym memberships or other means of physical activity can help people develop and maintain regular exercise routines and achieve greater fitness levels".
Add: "However, the effectiveness of varying types of incentives (e.g., monetary, non-monetary), their distribution schedule, their magnitude, and their relationship to specific types of activity engagement remain largely unknown. In addition, implementation of physical activity incentives for different populations and geographic regions adds an additional layer of complexity in prescribing and implementing effective incentive programs. Therefore, projects play a fundamental role in defining and creating incentive programs that are meaningful to their project population and aim to help develop and maintain regular exercise and physical activity behaviors"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "A plan with at least 2 of the following is developed and implemented". Add: "At least two of the following are implemented for all full-time employees"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "a. Tax-exempt payroll deductions relating to bicycle commuting and mass transit (such as the
Transportation Fringe Benefits in Section 132(f) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code) or a direct
subsidy for an equivalent amount". Add: "a. Tax-exempt payroll deductions relating to active transportation (e.g., a subsidy to purchase a personal bicycle) or mass transit (includes public transportation) use. Direct subsidies of an equivalent amount are also acceptable".

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "b. $200 or greater reimbursements or incentive payments in every 6-month period that an employee
meets a 50-visit minimum to the gym or professional program". Add: "b. Meaningful reimbursements or incentive payments (including non-monetary) offered for every 6-month period that an employee meets a 50-visit minimum to a gym or physical activity program"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "c. A subsidy of at least $240 per year is available to each interested employee to cover the costs of
participation in races, group fitness activities and sports teams". Add: "c. A meaningful subsidy offered at least yearly towards participation or membership costs for fitness activities such as: races, group fitness classes, sports teams, fitness centers, training centers, gyms, or studios. Direct subsidies of an equivalent amount are also acceptable"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "d. A subsidy of at least $240 per year is available to employees to cover the costs of fitness or training
programs offered in professional gyms or studios". Add: "d. A meaningful subsidy offered at least yearly towards the cost of an annual bicycle share membership"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "e. A subsidy of at least $50 per year is available to employees to cover the costs of a bicycle share
membership". Add: "e. No cost or discounted physical activity opportunities or memberships, in which it can be demonstrated that 30% of occupants have utilized on a regular basis (at least weekly) over the last six months"

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Comprehensive corporate wellness programs that offer meaningful incentives for regular physical activity or active commuting may be used to comply with Feature 65. Projects may also create company-sponsored sports teams, provided the sports teams are selected by the employees. Projects should ensure there is capacity to accommodate all employees who elect to participate and work with employees to accommodate similar incentives upon request. Projects must provide supporting documentation that demonstrates that the wellness offerings promote physical activity and incentivize employees to maintain regular levels of activity engagement or active commuting.

Existing (Removed):
As an alternative to one of the activity incentives provided under Feature 65, Part 1: Activity Incentive Programs, projects may create company sponsored sports teams, provided the sports teams are selected by the employees and ensure there is capacity to accommodate all employees who elect to participate.
Note that a second activity incentive program must be implemented in order to demonstrate achievement of Feature 65.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

As an alternative to one of the activity incentives provided under Feature 65, Part 1: Activity Incentive Programs, projects may create company sponsored sports teams, provided the sports teams are selected by the employees and the owner will accommodate similar incentives for alternatives upon employee request.
Note that a second activity incentive program must be implemented in order to demonstrate achievement of Feature 65.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To promote active lifestyles through the provision of physical activity incentive programs.'

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

Under Appendix D, change the feature type for Part 1 from "(Protocol)" to "(Organizational Protocol)"

Feature 66: Structured fitness opportunities

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part description, remove: "Early education, elementary and middle schools". Add: "Early education and primary schools"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

Add: "from a qualified professional" after "The following is offered"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

In part title, remove: "Professional"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To promote safe and convenient exercise through access to on-site professional fitness training and education.'

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

Under Appendix D, change the feature type for Parts 1 and 2 from "(Protocol)" to "(Organizational Protocol)"

Feature 67: Exterior active design

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

In 26 Jul, 2017 AAP, remove: “per hectare [17.5 DU/acre]”. Add: "per acre [17.5 DU/hectare]"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

In 26 Jul, 2017 AAP, remove: “5,050 m2/hectare [22,000 ft2/acre]”. Add: "5,050 m2/acre [22,000 ft2/hectare]"

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

Projects may use Option 1. Surround Density of the LEED BD+C Surrounding density and diverse uses Credit to comply with Part 3: Neighborhood Connectivity. Documentation must demonstrate that the project is located on a site where the surrounding density within 400 m [1/4 mi] of the project boundary has a minimum combined density of at least 5,050 m²/acre [22,000 ft²/hectare] of buildable land, a minimum residential density of 7 dwelling units (DU) per acre [17.5 DU/hectare], or a minimum nonresidential density (FAR) of 0.5.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "The project is eligible for at least 3 points in the LEED BD+C: New Construction "Surrounding
density and diverse uses" credit". Add: "At least four existing and publicly available diverse uses (listed in LEED BD+C: Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses, Appendix 1) are present within 800 m [0.5 mi] of the main building entrance"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "and plazas" after "walking paths"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "or open air courtyard" after "b. A plaza"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "or other landscaped elements" after "c. A garden"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To promote active lifestyles through the integration of active design elements into the building exterior.'

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add Owner Letters of Assurance as required documentation, remove Architect Letter of Assurance.

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add annotated map as required documentation, remove Architect Letter of Assurance.

Feature 68: Physical activity spaces

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 07 Jun, 2018

In part description, remove: "building's main entrance". Add: "main building entrance"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In 27 Apr, 2017 AAP, remove: "50 m [164 ft]". Add: "200 m [650 ft]"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

Remove: "accessible" after "following spaces is". Add: "with complimentary access" after "building's main entrance"

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

For Feature 68, Part 1, project teams may utilize a shared gym or similar physical activity space located within 200 m [650 ft] of the WELL project boundary. These spaces must be available for complimentary use by occupants. The project is required to submit documentation demonstrating that the space has adequate capacity for the project population, in addition to any other population that this shared amenity supports. Note: This ruling is specifically for Feature 68 and Feature 70. Compliance with other related features such as Feature 65 and Feature 66 is not implied.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "complimentary access to" after "occupants provide"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "At least one of the following is accessible within 0.8 km [0.5 mi] walking distance of the building". Add: "At least one of the following spaces is accessible within 0.8 km [0.5 mi] walking distance of the building’s main entrance"