Individual thermal control
- 72 Accessible design
- 73 Ergonomics: visual and physical
- 74 Exterior noise intrusion
- 75 Internally generated noise
- 76 Thermal comfort
- 77 Olfactory comfort
- 78 Reverberation time
- 79 Sound masking
- 80 Sound reducing surfaces
- 81 Sound barriers
- 82 Individual thermal control
- 83 Radiant thermal comfort
- P4 Impact reducing flooring

Individual thermal control
To maximize and personalize thermal comfort among all occupants.
All employees within the project boundary would need to be counted as part of this feature's scope.
The owner must provide a compliant thermal gradient throughout the entire building, including tenant spaces for tenants with relevant spaces described in the feature. The owner does not have to regulate the free address requirement for tenants, but must educate tenants on this policy.
The owner must provide thermal comfort devices throughout the entire building, including all tenant spaces.
The project must provide thermal comfort devices to meet the expected and/or actual demand and commit to accommodate all additional occupant requests.
Yes, as long as occupants are able to freely move around to perform their work, this is considered compliant. However, if these meeting rooms are typically booked for other purposes and not available as free address workstations, then they will not count for this feature.