- Comfort
- Accessible design
Accessible design

Accessible design
To promote equity by providing buildings that are accessible and usable by people of all physical abilities.
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017 Status: Approved The Indian codes for accessible design ISO 21542:2011 - Building Construction - Accessibility and Usability of the Built Environment, Appendix B "Anthropometrics and requirements for accessibility in built environment for elders and persons with disabilities" of Part 3, National Building Code of India, 2016, Vol. 1 and "Harmonised Guidelines and Space Standards for Barrier-Free Built Environment for persons with Disability and Elderly Persons, 2016 - Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India" have been accepted as alternatives for the American Disabilities Act (ADA) design regulations. Either code may be used by projects located in India. |
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017 Status: Approved Irish Building Regulations TGD Part M has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 72 Part 1. |
Post Date: 07 Sep, 2017 Status: Approved The Canadian Standards Association’s (CSA) “Accessible Design for the Built Environment” (CSA B651-12) has been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 72 Part 1 and 2. This equivalency may be used in Canada. |
Post Date: 31 Aug, 2017 Status: Approved The Taiwanese code for accessible design "Design Specifications of Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities" is an acceptable alternatives to the American Disabilities Act. |
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017 Status: Approved The German DIN 18040:2010 Construction of accessible buildings - design principles is acceptable for Feature 72 Part 1a. Note, similarly to the application of the Americans with Disabiliites Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design to buildings in the US, the German code must apply to all types of buildings. Furthermore, all WELL buildings should be considered "accessible" buildings for the purposes of the code. |
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017 Status: Approved Previously published as an AAP: |
Post Date: 20 Mar, 2017 Status: Approved The Dutch Standard NEN 1814 is an acceptable equivalent to the American Disabilities Act (ADA) design regulations. |
Post Date: 20 Mar, 2017 Status: Approved Previously published as an AAP: |
Post Date: 20 Mar, 2017 Status: Approved The Chinese Code for Accessibility Design (GB50763-2012) is an acceptable equivalent to the American Disabilities Act (ADA) design regulations. Note, similarly to the application of the ADA to buildings in the US, the code must apply to all buildings. Furthermore, all WELL buildings should be considered ""accessible"" buildings for the purposes of the law. |
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016 Status: Approved The Codi d´Accesibilitat de Catalunya is an acceptable equivalent to the American Disabilities Act (ADA) design regulations. Note, similarly to the application of the ADA to buildings in the US, the code must apply to all buildings. Furthermore, all WELL buildings should be considered "accessible" building for the purposes of the law. |