Sound reducing surfaces
Features/Comfort/Feature 80
- 72 Accessible design
- 73 Ergonomics: visual and physical
- 74 Exterior noise intrusion
- 75 Internally generated noise
- 76 Thermal comfort
- 77 Olfactory comfort
- 78 Reverberation time
- 79 Sound masking
- 80 Sound reducing surfaces
- 81 Sound barriers
- 82 Individual thermal control
- 83 Radiant thermal comfort
- P4 Impact reducing flooring

Sound reducing surfaces
To reduce sound reverberation and maintain comfortable sound levels though absorptive ceiling and wall surfaces.
The owner must provide compliant surfaces throughout the entire building, including all tenant spaces. Additional materials provided by the tenant (if any) within their leased space are excluded.
Glazed interior walls must be considered in meeting the required NRC values for each listed space type. However, exterior glazing is not included in the definition of "surrounding walls" and thus the 25% requirement. In summary, the 25% requirement is applicable only to interior walls, including those that are glazed.