This is a legacy version of the WELL Building Standard. Please check the latest version here.

Living Building Challenge

Appendix F: Living Building Challenge 3.0 Overlap

IWBI welcomes projects to pursue both the Living Building Challenge alongside WELL in order to promote both environmental and personal sustainability. To make the process easier for projects pursuing both programs, IWBI has organized the WELL Standard so that specific LBC Imperatives are clearly mapped to WELL Features. IWBI can't guarantee that meeting the WELL features will result in LBC certification, however the links are fairly straightforward. It is important to note that pursuing certain features in WELL could allow projects to achieve between 15-35% of LBC Imperatives.

Partial Fulfillment
Partial Fulfillment
Partial Fulfillment
Partial Fulfillment
Partial Fulfillment
Partial Fulfillment
Partial Fulfillment
Complete Fulfillment
Partial Fulfillment
Partial Fulfillment
Partial Fulfillment
Partial Fulfillment
Complete Fulfillment
Complete Fulfillment
Partial Fulfillment
Complete Fulfillment