This is a legacy version of the WELL Building Standard. Please check the latest version here.

WELL Addenda


Review the complete list of addenda changes made to the WELL Building Standard.

Feature 11: Fundamental material safety

Type Description
Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 22 Sep, 2017

S.I. 386/2006, 589/2010, and 291/2013 have been accepted as an equivalent for AHERA and 40 CFR part 763 of Feature 11 Part 3. Note that inspection by an accredited professional is conducted every three years.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 21 Aug, 2017

Asbestos inspection every three years through an agency/lab accredited by the 'National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), India' has been accepted as an alternative to the requirements of Feature 11 Part 3a.
An on-site investigation of the commercial space conducted by an agency/lab accredited by the 'National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), India', has been accepted as an alternative to the requirements of Feature 11 Part 2a. Note that projects must maintain a copy of the records produced by the asbestos investigator/abatement contractor, which should be made available to the building occupants.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "Not more than 100 ppm (by weight) added lead". Add: "Not more than a weighted average of 0.25% lead in wetted surfaces of pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fittings, and fixtures, and 0.20% for solder or flux used in plumbing for water intended for human consumption"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add "c. Not more than 100 ppm (by weight) added lead in all other building materials."

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

The New York Department of Environmental Protection Asbestos Control Program and Asbestos Rules and Regulations has been approved as an equivalent to AHERA for Feature 11, Part 3.
Note that projects must maintain a copy of the records produced by the asbestos investigator/abatement contractor, which should be made available to the building occupants.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To reduce or eliminate occupant exposure to lead, asbestos, and PCBs from building materials.'

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add MEP Letter of Assurance as required documentation.

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add policy document as required documentation, remove Architect Letter of Assurance.

Feature 12: Moisture management

Type Description
Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To limit the potential for bacteria and mold growth within buildings from water infiltration and condensation.'

Feature 13: Air flush

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

In system diagram, add: "Immune" to list under diagram of body system

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

For Part 1a, remove: "4,500 m³ of outdoor air per m²". Add: "4,266 m³ of outdoor air per m²"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To remediate construction-related indoor air contamination.'

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 1b, change “0.3 CFM fresh air per ft² of floor area” to “0.3 CFM outdoor air per ft² of floor area”

Feature 14: Air infiltration management

Type Description
Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

NEN-EN 13829 has been accepted as an equivalent for ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005 and the NIBS Guideline 3-2012 of Feature 14 Part 1 and 2.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 10 Jan, 2018

NEN-EN 1026/BS-EN 1026 and NEN-EN 12153/BS-EN 12153 have been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 14, Part 1. Note this is only applicable for projects in The Netherlands.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

In 26 Jul, 2017 Equivalency, remove: "Thernal". Add: "Thermal"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

In system diagram, add: "Immune" and "Respiratory" to list under diagram of body system

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

Previously published as AAP:
The ISO 9972-2015 - Thermal performance of buildings - Determination of air permeability of buildings - Fan Pressurization method is an acceptable alternative to meet WELL Feature 14 Part 1a.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

The Green Star Innovation Challenge: Air tightness testing is an accepted equivalent to Feature 14: Air Infiltration Management. Compliance with the Green Star credit is sufficient to comply with the WELL feature.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To minimize air quality and thermal comfort issues resulting from the infiltration of untreated air through the building envelope.'

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2016

Previously published as AAP:
In lieu of performing envelope commissioning in accordance with ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005 and NIBS Guideline 3-2012 for new construction or structural renovation), the project may complete a thermographic survey, airtightness test, and inspection and correction of defects in accordance with ATTMA TSL2 guidelines.

Feature 15: Increased ventilation

Type Description
Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

CIBSE Guide A is not accepted as an alternative to the requirements of Feature 15 Part 1. Note that the ventilation rates specified are generally not 30% above those required in ASHRAE 62.1-2013.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "The following is required in terms of the rate of outdoor air supply to all regularly occupied spaces". Add: "One of the following is required in all regularly occupied spaces"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "Exceed ASHRAE outdoor air supply rates met in the WELL Ventilation Effectiveness feature by 30%". Add: "Exceed outdoor air supply rates met in Feature 03, Part 1a by 30%".

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "b. Follow CIBSE AM10, Section 4, Design Calculations, to predict that room-by-room airflows will provide effective natural ventilation."

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

CEN Standards EN 15251:2007 and EN 13779:2007 may be used in lieu of ASHRAE 62.1-2013 for Feature 15, Part 1. ​​​​

The project must meet Category I ​or II​ (described in Table 1)​ and must calculate the ventilation rate based on ​either of the below calculation methods​,​ referenced in EN 15251: 2007​, ​section B.1.3​ ""Method based on ventilation rate per person or per m² floor area​:"" ​
​1​) the addition of the ​occupant and building ​values ​(see section B.1.2)
2​) the highest value (maximum of the calculated value based on per person and the value based on per m² floor area from Table B.3)

​Additionally, the requirements of CEN Standard EN 15251-2007 must be met and the performance requirements of CEN Standard EN 13779:2007 related to ventilation and room conditioning systems must be met (excluding section 7.3, Thermal Environment; section 7.6, Acoustic Environment; section A.16; and section A.17).

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

AS 1668.2 may be used in lieu of ASHRAE 62.1 for Feature 15, Part 1. Note that projects that wish to comply with AS 1668.2 must increase ventilation by 50% rather than the 30% increase required when complying with ASHRAE 62.1.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To expel internally-generated pollutants through an increased supply of outdoor air.'

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Change Part name from "Increased Fresh Air Supply" to "Increased Outdoor Air Supply"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 1, change "The following is required in terms of the rate of fresh air supply to all regularly occupied spaces:" to "The following is required in terms of the rate of outdoor air supply to all regularly occupied spaces:"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 1a, change “Exceed ASHRAE fresh air supply rates…” to “Exceed ASHRAE outdoor air supply rates…”

Feature 16: Humidity control

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part description, remove: "locker rooms". Add: "changing rooms"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 04 Sep, 2017

ASHRAE 55 - Universal Comfort Zone has not been deemed acceptable as an equivalent method for the requirements of Feature 16 Part 1. ASHRAE 55 - Universal Comfort Zone includes a formula to calculate optimal interior relative humidity levels that may fall outside of the range specified in the WELL Building Standard.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 21 Aug, 2017

Projects situated in countries where local or regional standards do not pose strict requirements for relative humidity control (e.g. EN-15251) cannot earn points by not complying with the requirements of Feature 16, Part 1. Projects without dehumidification or humidification systems may earn points through Part 1b.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To limit the growth of pathogens, reduce off-gassing, and maintain thermal comfort by providing the appropriate level of humidity.'

Feature 17: Direct source ventilation

Type Description
Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

Eco Mark No. 155 has been accepted as an equivalent to the low-emission criteria for printers and copiers for Feature 17, Part 1. Note that this equivalency may only be used for projects in Japan.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

In part title, remove: "Locker Rooms". Add: "Changing Rooms". In part description, remove: "Locker rooms". Add: "Changing rooms"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 21 Aug, 2017

Low emission criteria of EPEAT has been accepted as an alternative to Ecologo CCD 035, Blue Angel RAL- UZ 171 or Green Star in Feature 17 Part 1.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

Under Part 1, change the beginning of the first line to 'All cleaning and chemical storage units, all bathrooms and all rooms that contain printers and copiers…"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To preserve air quality in occupied spaces through the isolation and proper ventilation of indoor pollution sources and chemical storage areas.'

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add annotated mechanical and architectural drawing as required documentation, remove MEP Letter of Assurance, remove on-site spot checks.

Feature 18: Air quality monitoring and feedback

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 05 Feb, 2018

For Part 2a, remove: "the Air Quality Standards feature". Add: "Part 1: Indoor Air Monitoring"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

In 06 May, 2016 AAP, remove: "In projects with strict data privacy requirements, the". Add: "The"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Add: "(measured at 1.2-1.8 m [4-6 ft] above the floor)" after "once an hour"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To monitor and effectively remediate indoor air quality issues and inform building managers and occupants of the quality of the indoor environment.'

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

The requirements of Part 3 (Environmental Measures Display) may be met by hosting the required data on a website accessible to occupants and in locations where the physical display would be located, placing signage indicating the website where the data may be accessed.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

In Part 1 description, change “Monitors measure 2 of the following pollutants in a regularly occupied space…” to “Monitors measure 2 of the following pollutants in a regularly occupied or common space…”

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add on-site spot checks as required verification.

Feature 19: Operable windows

Type Description
Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

For Feature 19, Part 1, a dedicated outdoor terrace can be provided. The terrace must satisfy the following requirements:
a. Must be directly accessible from the tenant space
b. Must be able to accommodate a minimum of 15% of the total regular project occupants
c. Must be adequately shaded to allow occupants to perform their work without significant glare
d. Feature 19, Part 2 and Part 3 must be addressed

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

To fulfill Feature 19, Part 1, projects may provide operable windows to 95% of the regularly occupied spaces (by floor area) in the office, provided that regularly occupied spaces, which do not have windows, have larger doorways to allow fresh air in, when open.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To increase the supply of high quality outdoor air and promote a connection to the outdoor environment by encouraging occupants to open windows when outdoor air quality is acceptable.'

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Change “Every regularly occupied space has operable windows that provide access to fresh air…” to “Every regularly occupied space has operable windows that provide access to outdoor air…”

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add policy document as required documentation, remove Architect Letter of Assurance.

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add Owner Letter of Assurance as required documentation, remove Architect Letter of Assurance.

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add Architect Letter of Assurance as required documentation, remove annotated architectural drawing.

Feature 20: Outdoor air systems

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 07 Jun, 2018

For Part 1, remove: "Dedicated outdoor air systems are used for heating and/or cooling systems". Add: "Dedicated outdoor air systems are used for ventilation"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 26 Jul, 2017

For Part 1b, remove: "all applicable ASHRAE standards and codes". Add: "ventilation standards used in Feature 03 Ventilation effectiveness"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To allow buildings to control the outdoor air supply independently from the heating/cooling needs of the building.'

Feature 21: Displacement ventilation

Type Description
Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 21 Aug, 2017

REHVA Guidebook No. 1 (Displacement Ventilation in non-industrial premises) may be used in lieu of the System Performance Evaluation and ASHRAE Guidelines RP-949 for Feature 21, Part 1.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To improve air quality in the breathing zone of the room and maintain thermal comfort by supplying low velocity outdoor air near the floor and expelling near the ceiling.'

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Replace “One of the following is met for projects implementing a displacement ventilation system for heading and/or cooling:” with “Projects implement a displacement ventilation system for heating and/or cooling in which one of the following is met:”

Feature 22: Pest control

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 15 Aug, 2018

For Part 1c, add: "(except paper recycling bins)" after "cans"

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

When desk bins are used to comply with Feature 22, Part 1, Requirement b, waste must be emptied at least once per day. Bins must be lined with appropriate liners (e.g. biodegradable liners for the compost bin) that will sufficiently retain all waste and waste residue. Bins must be wiped to remove waste residue when present or at least weekly.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "Inspections". Add: "Visual inspections during performance verification"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To reduce the presence of pests in buildings and minimize occupant exposure to pest-related allergens.'

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Inquiry: For Part 1b, our garbage cans are integrated into casework. The casework has a 6 inch opening at the top for users to insert waste. The garbage is collected from the garbage cans daily to minimize the time that waste remains in the garbage cans. Will this design meet the requirements of Part 1b?

Ruling: No, the design as described is not approved. The openings are large enough to allow pests to gain access to the garbage and allow for discarded trash to fall outside the garbage receptacle within the casework.

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 06 May, 2016

Change Part 1 verification type from Visual Inspection to Operations Schedule and Spot Check.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

In introduction language, remove "and furniture be covered in washable covers" from the last sentence in the second paragraph. The last sentence becomes: "To minimize allergenic pests, this feature requires that pest inspections be conducted regularly and food be stored and sealed."

Feature 23: Advanced air purification

Type Description
Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

For Part 1a, add: "or combination particulate/carbon filters" after "Activated carbon filters"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To improve recirculated indoor air quality through the implementation of advanced air purification strategies.'

Feature 24: Combustion minimization

Type Description
Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

China's GB 6932-2015 Domestic gas instantaneous water heater, Class 5 has been approved for Feature 24 Part 2. It should be noted that the testing protocols in China GB 6932-2015 for humidity and oxygen percentage differ from the requirements in California's South Coast Air Quality Management District rule 1121. However, GB 6932-2015 Domestic gas instantaneous water heater, Class 5 is currently deemed best in class within China.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

Add: "for construction occurring within one year prior to Performance Verification:" after "...the following requirements are met"

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 21 Aug, 2017

The emission standards of Central Pollution Control Board (Government of India) has been accepted as an alternative for California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District rules for pollution in Feature 24 Part 2. However, combustion equipment for which there are no CPCB emission standards must meet California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District rules for pollution.
The following are acceptable alternatives to the requirements of Feature 24 Part 4

  • Emission standards as per Bharat Stage III for Feature 24 Part 4 a
  • Emission standards as per Bharat Stage III or IV for Feature 24 Part 4 b

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 07 Apr, 2017

The following equivalencies have been approved for Feature 24 Part 4:
1. Non-road diesel engine vehicles - Euro Stage IIIA, US Tier 3 and 2, Japan MoE standards.
2. On road diesel engine vehicles - Euro V (2012) standard.
It should be noted that Euro Stage IIIA, US Tier 3 and 2, Japan MoE and Euro V (2012) standard's allowable emission levels exceed those required in US Tier 4 and US EPA 2007. However, Euro Stage IIIA, US Tier 3 and 2, Japan MoE and Euro V are currently deemed best in class within Hong Kong at this time.
It should be noted that Euro Stage IIIA, US Tier 3 and 2, Japan MoE and Euro V (2012) standard's allowable emission levels exceed those required in US Tier 4 and US EPA 2007. However, Euro Stage IIIA, US Tier 3 and 2, Japan MoE and Euro V are currently deemed best in class within Hong Kong at this time.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 20 Mar, 2017

The following European local emission standards have been approved as an acceptable equivalent for Feature 24, Part 4:
1. European Stage IV standard for non-road diesel engine vehicles or the use of non-road diesel engine vehicles equipped with diesel particulate filters (DPF).
2. Euro VI emission standards for on-road engine vehicles or the use of on-road diesel engine vehicles equipped with diesel particulate filters (DPF).

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

The following China local standards have been approved as an acceptable alternative for F24, Part 4:
1. China local standard GB20891-2014 for non-road diesel engine vehicles
2. China local standard GB17691-2005 for passenger vehicles and heavy duty trucks
Note that that NOx limits in the China standards are higher then US EPA limits.

Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 17 Jan, 2017

Projects that wish to include a gas range within the project scope must provide range hoods with increased exhaust efficiency in order to exhaust combustion byproducts. The range hood must provide at least 100 cubic feet per minute of exhaust air for every 10,000 BTU’s of burner output. If the burner output is unknown or cannot be guaranteed, then the range hood should provide a minimum of 600 cubic feet per minute of exhaust air. In addition, the range hood shall be exhausted directly to the outdoors.

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To reduce occupant exposure to combustion-related air pollution from heating and transportation sources.'

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add Owner Letter of Assurance as required documentation, remove Architect Letter of Assurance.

Feature 25: Toxic material reduction

Type Description
Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

Global GreenTag Standard v4.0 and PhD Methodology have been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 25 Part 1. However, Global GreenTag Standard v4.0 and PhD Methodology have not been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 25 Part 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

Products certified under the Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) Furniture & Fittings (Level B) (FF v3.0-2017) standard are considered to meet the toxic material reduction restrictions of Feature 25 Part 1, 2 and 5. Note, however, that any products certified under Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) Furniture & Fittings (Level B) (FF v3.0-2017) standard have not been accepted as alternatives for the requirements of Feature 25 Part 3, Phthalate (Plasticizers) Limitation. Feature 25 Part 3 requires the limitation of DEHP, DBP, BBP, DINP, DIDP and DNOP phthalates, while GECA requires the ban of only DEHP, DBP, DAP and BBP phthalates. Since GECA does not account for the limitation of DINP, DIDP and DNOP, products certified under this GECA standard cannot be deemed as in compliance with Feature 25 Part 3.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

Products certified under the Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) Furniture, Fittings, Foam and Mattresses (Level A) (FFF&M v3.0-2017) standard are considered to meet the toxic material reduction restrictions of Feature 25 Part 1, 2, 3 and 5.

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 15 Apr, 2018

Products certified under Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) Floor Coverings (GECA 25-2011 v2i) standard are considered to meet the toxic material reduction restrictions of Feature 25, Parts 2 and 3.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "(Please refer to Table A3 for additional details.)"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

To the last line of the first paragraph of the feature description, add: "All parts of this feature only apply to materials installed inside the weather proofing membrane of a project. (Please refer to Table A3 for additional details)"

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To minimize the impact of hazardous building material chemicals on indoor air quality and protect the health of manufacturing and maintenance workers.'

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add Owner Letter of Assurance as required documentation.

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add Contractor Letters of Assurance as required documentation.

Feature 26: Enhanced material safety

Type Description
Alternative Adherence Path
Type: Alternative Adherence Path
Post Date: 15 Aug, 2018

Projects may meet Feature 26 Part 1 through the application of REACH Optimization. Specifically, use of furnishings, built-in furniture, interior finishes and finish materials that document their material ingredient optimization for at least 25% (by cost) via the following paths:

  • Projects meet REACH criteria for all Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) as listed on the REACH Authorization or Candidate list.
  • Projects have fully inventoried all Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) as listed on the REACH Authorization or Candidate list to 100 ppm (0.01%).

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

The Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) Furniture & Fittings, Foam & Mattresses (Level A) (FFF&M v3.0-2017) standard has not been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 26 Part 1. Note that while most LBC Red List substances are prohibited in the GECA Furniture Level A standard, the GECA Furniture Level A standard allows products that contain formaldehyde-based additives subject to a certain air emissions limit, whereas the Red List prohibits the use of added formaldehyde (Section 4.1 Criterion 13).

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 29 May, 2018

The Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) Furniture & Fittings, Foam & Mattresses (Level B) (FFF&M v3.0-2017) standard has not been accepted as an alternative for the requirements of Feature 26 Part 1. Note that while most LBC Red List substances are prohibited in the GECA Furniture Level B standard, the GECA Furniture Level A standard allows products that contain formaldehyde-based additives subject to a certain air emissions limit, whereas the Red List prohibits the use of added formaldehyde (Section 4.1 Criterion 13).

Type: Equivalency
Post Date: 16 Nov, 2017

The Global GreenTag Standard v4.0 and PhD Methodology are accepted as an alternative to the requirements for Feature 26 Part 1.

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 20 Oct, 2017

Remove: “products by cost (including furnishings, built-in furniture, all interior finishes and finish materials”. Add: “all furnishings, built-in furniture, interior finishes, and finish materials (calculated by cost)"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "At least one of the following requirements is met". Add: "At least 25% of products by cost (including furnishings, built-in furniture, all interior finishes and finish materials) meet one or more of the following requirements"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "The project completes all Imperatives in the Materials Petal under the Living Building Challenge 3.0". Add: "Have a Declare: Living Building Challenge Red List Free, Declare: Living Building Challenge Compliant, or Living Product Challenge label"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "At least 25% of products by cost (including furnishings, built-in furniture, all interior finishes and finish materials) are Cradle to Cradle™ Material Health Certified with a V2 Gold or Platinum or V3 Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum Material Health Score". Add: "Have a Cradle to Cradle™ Material Health Certified with a V2 Gold or Platinum or V3 Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum Material Health Score."

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "At least 25% of products by cost (including furnishings, built-in furniture, all interior finishes and finish materials) have no GreenScreen® Benchmark 1, List Translator 1 or List Translator Possible 1 substances over 1,000 ppm, as verified by a qualified Ph.D. toxicologist or Certified Industrial Hygienist". Add: "Have no GreenScreen® Benchmark 1, List Translator 1 or List Translator Possible 1 substances over 1,000 ppm, as verified by a qualified Ph.D. toxicologist or Certified Industrial Hygienist"

Type: Amendment
Post Date: 27 Apr, 2017

Remove: "At least 25% of products by cost (including furnishings, built-in furniture, all interior finishes and finish materials) meet some combination of the certifications described in requirements b and c".

Type: Intent
Post Date: 24 Oct, 2016

In the Feature description, remove the second paragraph. Replace with the following text:
'Intent: To minimize the impact of hazardous building material ingredients on indoor air quality and protect the health of manufacturing and maintenance workers.'

Verification type
Type: Verification type
Post Date: 10 Feb, 2016

Add Contractor Letter of Assurance as required documentation, add Owner Letter of Assurance as required documentation.