Exterior noise intrusion
- 72 Accessible design
- 73 Ergonomics: visual and physical
- 74 Exterior noise intrusion
- 75 Internally generated noise
- 76 Thermal comfort
- 77 Olfactory comfort
- 78 Reverberation time
- 79 Sound masking
- 80 Sound reducing surfaces
- 81 Sound barriers
- 82 Individual thermal control
- 83 Radiant thermal comfort
- P4 Impact reducing flooring

Exterior noise intrusion
To reduce acoustic disruptions by limiting external noise intrusion.
Yes, the building mechanical system is required to be turned off during the performance test for feature 74. The WELL Assessor will coordinate with the project team prior to arriving on site on when these measurements can be taken during the Performance Verification to avoid disruption to building operations.
Yes, there are several retrofitting measures that a project can use to better insulate against exterior noise. The project should consult with the project architect and/or acoustic consultant to determine the best options for the space. Some options may include adding addition insulating film to windows, checking the building envelope for locations where sound is passing through and adding insulation to these areas, using additional acoustic insulators on the floors, ceilings or walls, and orienting the workstations and boardrooms away from noisy windows. Feature 81 also outlines additional strategies for reducing noise within the office.