This is a legacy version of the WELL Building Standard. Please check the latest version here.

Education space provisions

Class sizes kept to a reasonably manageable number of students can help to increase the amount of time a teacher is able to spend individually with a student, while decreasing the amount of time spent on addressing classroom disruptions. This can help to promote increased student achievement, especially for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Additionally, allowing students adequate space in the classroom can be a strategy to keep learning spaces from becoming spaces of stress, and instead represent spaces conducive to focus, productive collaboration and creative thinking.

This feature requires that class size is capped at a maximum number of students per class. It also ensures that classrooms are adequately sized to minimize any detrimental effects on learning posed by problems of overcrowding.

Part 1: Classroom Space Allocation

The following minimum space allocations are met:

a.134 Early education, elementary, middle and high school; classroom: 13.7 m [45 ft³] per student overall.
b.138 Adult education; seminar classroom: 7.6 m [25 ft³] per student overall.
c.138 Adult education; lecture hall: 5.5 m [18 ft³] per student overall.
Part 2: Class Size Caps for Elementary School

The number of students per class for 90% of offered classes may not exceed the following:

a.137 Elementary school: 18 students maximum.

Applicability Matrix

Core & Shell New & Existing Buildings New & Existing Interiors
Part 1: Classroom Space Allocation - - -
Part 2: Class Size Caps for Elementary School - - -
Commercial Kitchen Education Multifamily Residential Restaurant Retail
Part 1: Classroom Space Allocation - O - - -
Part 2: Class Size Caps for Elementary School - O - - -

Verification Methods Matrix

Letters of Assurance Annotated Documents On-Site Checks
Part 1: Classroom Space Allocation Architect
Part 2: Class Size Caps for Elementary School Architect

National Science Teacher's Association (NSTA) Safety Advisory Board. Overcrowding in the Instructional Space.


The NSTA Safety Advisory Board recommends that science classrooms for elementary school students are set at 24 students per class if there is at least 45 ft² per student.


U.S. Department of Education, Policy and Program Studies Service. A Descriptive Evaluation of the Federal Class-Size Reduction Program, Report Highlights. Published 2004. Accessed March 25, 2015.


A goal of the federal Class-Size Reduction (CSR) Program was to reduce class size for grades K-3 to 18 students in order to improve student achievement.


Arizona State University. Classroom Design Guide. Updated March 2011. Accessed March 26, 2015.


The Arizona State University Classroom Design Guide recommends that lecture halls in higher education allocate between 18 ft² to 20 ft² per student overall.


The Arizona State University Classroom Design Guide recommends that seminar classes in higher education allocate between 25 ft² to 30 ft² per student overall.