This is a legacy version of the WELL Building Standard. Please check the latest version here.




To enhance community identity and promote social cohesion.


Research demonstrates beneficial health and wellness outcomes associated with acts of generosity and charity. Volunteering fulfills many functions, providing a way for individuals to express their values, strengthen social relationships and gain career-related experience. The Mental Health Foundation states that helping others increases social support by increasing feelings of belonging, while decreasing feelings of isolation and loneliness. For these reasons, altruistic sentiments and behaviors are increasingly incentivized within the workplace.

Part 1
Charitable Activities

Individuals are given the option to take paid time off work to participate in volunteer activities as follows:
8 hours of paid time organized by the employer for a registered charity twice a year.

Part 2
Charitable Contributions

Employers commit to the following:
Contributing annually to a registered charity to match employee donations.