This is a legacy version of the WELL Building Standard. Please check the latest version here.

Combustion minimization

Although wood and gas fireplaces have aesthetic benefits, they can also be detrimental to indoor air quality. If not effectively sealed off from the living space, they can contribute harmful combustion byproducts such as carbon monoxide and particulate matter. Carbon monoxide has 210 times the binding affinity for hemoglobin compared to oxygen, and thus prevents oxygen from being delivered to the body, leading to hypoxia—lack of oxygen delivery to body tissues that can cause nausea, loss of consciousness and death. Carbon monoxide leads to about 170 non-automotive fatal poisonings in the U.S. every year.

This feature prohibits combustion in occupied spaces to eliminate a significant source of indoor pollution. It also requires that any combustion equipment serving the building meets stringent clean-burning standards, and discourages vehicles from idling near the building.

Part 1: Appliance and Heater Combustion Ban

The following are forbidden in regularly occupied spaces:

a.29 Combustion-based fireplaces, stoves, space-heaters, ranges and ovens.
Part 2: Low-Emission Combustion Sources

All combustion equipment used in the project for heating, cooling, water-heating, process heating or power generation (whether primary or back-up) must meet California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District rules for pollution:

a.39 Internal combustion engines.
b.39 Furnaces.
c.39 Boilers, steam generators and process heaters.
d.39 Water heaters.
Part 3: Engine Exhaust Reduction

Signage, visible from pick-up, drop-off and parking areas indicates:

a. Idling with vehicle engines on for more than 30 seconds is prohibited.
Part 4: Construction Equipment

To reduce particulate matter emissions from both on-road and non-road diesel fueled vehicles and construction equipment, the following requirements are met:

a.85 All non-road diesel engine vehicles comply with the U.S. EPA Tier 4 PM emissions standards or local equivalent when applicable. Engines may be retrofitted with verified technology (required to be U.S. EPA or California Air Resources Board approved) at the time the equipment is first placed on the job site.
b.85 All on-road diesel engine vehicles meet the requirements set forth in the U.S. EPA model year 2007 on-road standards for PM, or local equivalent when applicable. Engines may be retrofitted with verified technology (required to be U.S. EPA or California Air Resources Board approved) at the time the equipment is first placed on the job site.
c.85 All equipment, vehicles and loading/unloading are located away from air intakes and operable openings of adjacent buildings when available.

Applicability Matrix

Core & Shell New & Existing Buildings New & Existing Interiors
Part 1: Appliance and Heater Combustion Ban O O O
Part 2: Low-Emission Combustion Sources O O -
Part 3: Engine Exhaust Reduction O O -
Part 4: Construction Equipment O O -
Commercial Kitchen Education Multifamily Residential Restaurant Retail
Part 1: Appliance and Heater Combustion Ban - O O O O
Part 2: Low-Emission Combustion Sources - O O O O
Part 3: Engine Exhaust Reduction - O O O O
Part 4: Construction Equipment O O O O O

Verification Methods Matrix

Letters of Assurance Annotated Documents On-Site Checks
Part 1: Appliance and Heater Combustion Ban Architect Spot Check
Part 2: Low-Emission Combustion Sources MEP
Part 3: Engine Exhaust Reduction Visual Inspection
Part 4: Construction Equipment Contractor

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Protecting your health. Updated December 19, 2012. Accessed October 16, 2014.


The EPA notes that under certain conditions, combustion appliances such as heaters, ranges, ovens, stoves, furnaces, fireplaces, water heaters and clothes dryers can release contaminants into the home that can seriously damage health.


South Coast Air Quality Management District. Rules and Regulations, Regulation XI - Source Specific Standards. Accessed October 17, 2014.


The South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1110.2 (amended 9/7/2012) establishes requirements for gaseous- and liquid-fueled engines for the purpose of reducing emission of oxides from nitrogen, VOCs and carbon monoxide.


The South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1111 (amended 9/5/14) establishes requirements for natural gas fired, fan-type central furnaces for the purpose of reducing emission of nitrogen oxides.


The South Coast Air Quality Management District Rules 1146.1 (amended 11/1/13) and 1146.2 (amended 5/5/06) establish requirements for the reduction of emissions of oxides of nitrogen from boilers, process heaters and steam generators.


The South Coast Air Quality Management District Rules 1121 (amended 9/3/04) and 1146.2 (amended 5/5/06) establish requirements for emissions of nitrogen oxides from residential natural gas-fired water heaters and large water heaters.


U.S. Green Building Council. Pilot Credit 75: Clean Construction. Published 2013. Accessed October 18, 2014.


USGBC's LEED v4 Pilot Credit 75: Clean Construction requires all equipment, vehicles and loading/unloading to be located away from air intakes and operable openings of adjacent buildings.


USGBC's LEED v4 Pilot Credit 75: Clean Construction requires non-road diesel engine vehicles on site that are 25 horsepower and greater to comply with the US EPA Tier 4 PM emissions standards, or a local equivalent.


USGBC's LEED v4 Pilot Credit 75: Clean Construction requires 95% of all diesel engine contractor/subcontractor vehicles meet the requirements set forth in the US EPA model year 2007 on-road standards, or a local equivalent.